Denver Archives - Page 29 of 44 - Gates Family Foundation
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News: Denver


STRIVE Preparatory Schools

$10,000 | Awarded: 2012

As a partner of Foundations for Great Schools, Gates awarded these grants to recognize, reward, and encourage outstanding success among public schools serving low-income


STRIVE Preparatory Schools

$10,000 | Awarded: 2013

As a partner in Foundations for Great Schools, Gates awarded these grants to recognize, reward, and encourage outstanding success among public schools serving low-income


Catapult Leadership

$25,000 | Awarded: 2014

To support construction of tenant improvements to the EdXchange shared office space


Empower Schools

$75,000 | Awarded: 2016

To expand work in Denver or other Colorado school districts


Empower Schools

$50,000 | Awarded: 2016

To support Empower’s expansion work beyond the LLN and does not include direct program support for the 2016-17 school year to the LLN


Moonshot edVentures

$35,000 | Awarded: 2016

To support the launch of Moonshot edVentures in Denver to build a pipeline of diverse school leaders


Denver Public Schools Foundation

$40,000 | Awarded: 2014

To support the creation through replication of two new autonomous middle schools in DPS: McAuliffe at Manual and Kepner Beacon


Open World Learning

$60,000 | Awarded: 2011

To support the establishment of a new OWL program site and to conduct a rigorous evaluation of the impact of the program on the


Open World Learning

$60,000 | Awarded: 2014

To support research and evaluation of the Open World Learning (OWL) program at the middle school level


Catapult Leadership

$348,000 | Awarded: 2014

To support EdXchange, a consortium of education reform organizations that wish to co-locate on a long-term basis in a shared office space. The group