2015 Archives - Page 8 of 15 - Gates Family Foundation
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News: 2015



$150,000 | Awarded: 2015

To support the continued operation of Chalkbeat Colorado


A+ Colorado

$50,000 | Awarded: 2015

To support A+ Denver’s work in school reform in Denver Public Schools and to explore the organization’s expansion to districts beyond Denver Public Schools


Rocky Mountain Institute

$150,000 | Awarded: 2014

Toward construction of the new office and convening facility in Basalt


Trust For Public Land

$450,000 | Awarded: 2014

To support the Trust for Public Land’s Parks for People program in Denver and Aurora, including construction of neighborhood parks in underserved areas, development


High Line Canal Conservancy

$150,000 | Awarded: 2015

To support the development of a master plan for the future of the High Line Canal


Mile High Connects

$150,000 | Awarded: 2014

To support the Mile High Connects transportation opportunity collaborative


Regional Transit-Oriented Development Fund

$1,250,000 | Awarded: 2015

Gates Family Foundation participates in the Regional Transit-Oriented Development Fund (TOD Fund) as a high-leverage opportunity to impact land use, transportation, and smart growth


Radian | Placematters

$25,000 | Awarded: 2015

To support completion of a First and Final Mile Toolkit, demonstration of the tools in partnership with the West Colfax Business Improvement District and



$15,000 | Awarded: 2015

To support WalkDenver’s Great Paths program and support “tactical urbanism” interventions as a part of a West Colfax demonstration project undertaken in partnership with