Applications Now Open for Statewide COVID-19 Response Fund; Gates Commits $250,000 - Gates Family Foundation
Here is an important announcement. Click here to learn more.

In this unprecedented time, Gates Family Foundation staff and board members are working closely with our grantees, partners, and peers to understand and respond to immediate and longer-term needs related to the COVID-19 public health crisis, economic impacts, and recovery.

Today we are pleased to announce that Gates has committed $250,000 to support the COVID-19 Response Fund — the State of Colorado’s collective response fund, managed by Mile High United Way — which as of March 26 has raised a total of more than $7.5 million from Colorado foundations, businesses, and more than 3,500 individual donors. In addition, our team is committed to addressing the changing dynamics of our community through additional support directly from Gates toward mission-critical efforts throughout the state. We will provide additional updates as soon as they are available.

As of March 26, nonprofit organizations throughout Colorado focused on COVID-19 prevention and economic impact can now apply to the State of Colorado’s COVID-19 Response Fund, which is managed by the Mile High United Way. Eligible organizations may apply for one general operating, unrestricted grant of up to $25,000 per each funding deadline.

We strongly encourage all eligible Gates grantees and other nonprofits with activity in the following areas to apply for the first round of funding:

  • Prevention (examples include: medical supplies, shelter staff coverage, residential facilities staff serving vulnerable populations, nursing home staff coverage for low income households, mobility services serving vulnerable populations, cleaning supplies for shelters or care facilities of all kinds, medical information and support such as messaging campaigns)
  • Impact (examples include: economic impact of reduced and lost work due to the outbreak, early childhood education availability, technology assistance, childcare, education, volunteer services, food access or services, schools)

Applications for the first round of funding are due by April 4, with deadlines for four additional funding rounds rolling every two weeks to follow (due dates April 18, May 2, May 16, and May 30).

Full details on the MHUW fund — including how to apply, and how to donate — are here:

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