Palmer Land Conservancy - Gates Family Foundation
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Project Description

The Palmer Land Conservancy established the Bessemer Farmland Conservation Project as a long-term, multifaceted, landscape-scale conservation initiative that seeks to bolster the communities and lands of eastern Pueblo County through the conservation of prime irrigated farmland.

By protecting a critical mass of farmland—which is some of the most productive agricultural land in the Intermountain West—Palmer can ensure that agriculture will continue to be a mainstay of southern Colorado’s economy and that Coloradans will have access to locally grown vegetables, fruits, and grains.

This $500,000 program-related investment from Gates is helping Palmer launch the Bessemer Farmland Acquisition Fund, which will pay out when land is acquired and be paid back with 0.5% interest at the end of 5-year term.

Amount $500,000
Year Awarded 2021
Support Type Program-Related Investment
Strategic Priorities

Natural Resources > Landscape Conservation

Areas Served


Term 5 years