DSST Recognized Nationally as an "Intentionally Diverse Charter School" - Gates Family Foundation
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After an analysis of 5,700 charter schools in all 50 states produced the first-ever nationwide inventory of diversity in the public charter school sector, Denver School of Science and Technology is being recognized as an exemplar.

Researchers from The Century Foundation concluded that DSST’s founding “vision of intentional diversity and resistance to tracking students into different courses” — as well as its current diversity practices and continued evolution — have contributed to the charter network’s success. Since DSST’s first graduating class 10 years ago, 100 percent of its graduates have been accepted to college. And its schools demonstrate higher-than-state-average performance for most student subgroups, including English learners, minority students, and those who are eligible for free or reduced-price lunch.

“The network’s identity as a high-performing, intentionally diverse, STEM-focused school is paired with its promise to remain deeply committed to the success of all its students, regardless of background,” writes one of the study’s author in an analysis for The 74. “As it continues to evaluate its data and update its practices in these areas, the network works to build new schools using the tools that it knows are most effective.”