Community Development Archives - Page 8 of 30 - Gates Family Foundation
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News: Community Development


Colorado Equitable Economic Mobility Initiative

$100,000 | Awarded: 2022

To help launch Colorado Equitable Economic Mobility Initiative and advocate for a more effective and equity-driven workforce development ecosystem in Colorado


Activate Work Inc.

$100,000 | Awarded: 2022

To invest in building pathways to access well-paying healthcare careers for low-income and job seekers of color in Colorado


Urbanity Advisors, LLC

$20,000 | Awarded: 2022

Toward the pilot episode and postproduction of Remix the City, a Colorado-based production focusing on urban community development


Mile High Connects

$25,000 | Awarded: 2022

To fund a legacy impact report and assist Mile High Connects staff with the dissolution of its current structure and the seeding of future



$25,000 | Awarded: 2022

An outright grant for predevelopment costs; to be paired with $50,000 as a capital grant in 2023 toward the purchase of a permanent facility,


Home Trust of Ouray County

$50,000 | Awarded: 2022

To help with start-up costs and predevelopment needs for three upcoming housing and community-serving development sites