Education Archives - Page 22 of 44 - Gates Family Foundation
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News: Education


National Black Child Development Institute

$25,000 | Awarded: 2018

To support the launch of The Denver Journal of Education and Community (DJEC), a community-based, academic journal and media platform that intends to build


Reach Capital II

$3,000,000 | Awarded: 2018

An investment in a private equity fund focused on early-stage tech tools, applications, content, and services to improve educational opportunities for all children.


Gust Elementary School

$7,000 | Awarded: 2014

As a partner in Foundations for Great Schools, Gates awarded these grants to recognize, reward, and encourage outstanding success among public schools serving low-income


Gust Elementary School

$7,000 | Awarded: 2015

As a partner in Foundations for Great Schools, Gates awarded these grants to recognize, reward, and encourage outstanding success among public schools serving low-income


Gust Elementary School

$6,000 | Awarded: 2016

As a partner in Foundations for Great Schools, Gates awarded these grants to recognize, reward, and encourage outstanding success among public schools serving low-income


CEC Middle School

$7,000 | Awarded: 2014

As a partner in Foundations for Great Schools, Gates awarded these grants to recognize, reward, and encourage outstanding success among public schools serving low-income


CEC Middle School

$5,000 | Awarded: 2015

As a partner in Foundations for Great Schools, Gates awarded these grants to recognize, reward, and encourage outstanding success among public schools serving low-income


CEC Middle School

$8,000 | Awarded: 2016

As a partner in Foundations for Great Schools, Gates awarded these grants to recognize, reward, and encourage outstanding success among public schools serving low-income


Florida Pitt Waller K-8 School

$2,000 | Awarded: 2014

As a partner in Foundations for Great Schools, Gates awarded these grants to recognize, reward, and encourage outstanding success among public schools serving low-income


Bradley International School

$2,000 | Awarded: 2015

As a partner in Foundations for Great Schools, Gates awarded these grants to recognize, reward, and encourage outstanding success among public schools serving low-income