Denver Archives - Page 23 of 45 - Gates Family Foundation
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News: Denver


Mile High Connects

$150,000 | Awarded: 2018

To support the ongoing work of Mile High Connects and its impact on making the metro Denver a more equitable and accessible region through


National Black Child Development Institute

$25,000 | Awarded: 2018

To support the launch of The Denver Journal of Education and Community (DJEC), a community-based, academic journal and media platform that intends to build



$100,000 | Awarded: 2017

To help launch the 10.10.10 Cities + Water program in Denver


Greenway Foundation

$30,000 | Awarded: 2017

To support the organization’s capacity related to the Chatfield Environmental Pool project


Greenway Foundation

$100,000 | Awarded: 2017

To pay for a portion of the water rights in the Chatfield Environmental Pool, pending the development of a set of specific priorities for


Colorado Water Trust

$10,000 | Awarded: 2011

To support research on removing barriers to instream flow protection in Colorado


Colorado Water Trust

$73,500 | Awarded: 2012

Toward securing instream flow protections statewide, using a combination of public and private dollars to pay farmers, ranchers, and other water rights holders for