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With impacts to Colorado’s rivers and working and natural lands continuing to mount in the face of climate change, we are acutely aware of both the sense of urgency and the scale that we have to operate. Colorado State University recently released its third edition report on climate change in Colorado, which confirms what we see on our lands and in our rivers; our climate has become much warmer and further warming is expected. These warming trends are impacting Colorado’s snowpack, stream flows, soil moisture, natural and working lands, and the places we live, recreate, and protect.
Supporting Coloradans who are most impacted by climate change and least involved in decision-making drove our Natural Resources team to look for opportunities and build new relationships. Woven throughout each of the following Natural Resources focus areas, our investments centered equity and leadership development, policy support, and capacity:
The Natural Resources team used every tool in the Foundation’s toolbox to support our partners across these three priority areas. To help catalyze new ideas and sustain promising efforts, we leveraged both initiated and capital grant dollars, program-related investment dollars, the power of convening, and a commitment to long-term funding through our Focus Landscapes initiative.
In 2023, the Natural Resources program awarded:
— $30,0000 in a responsive capital grant to Eagle Valley Land Trust for its conservation center
— A $250,000 program-related investment (PRI) commitment to the National Forest Foundation for its wetland mitigation efforts
— A total of $1,335,000 to support land conservation and stewardship in Southeast Colorado and the San Luis Valley, as part of our Focus Landscapes initiative
— A total of $700,000 over two years to further Gates leadership in advancing the mass timber industry
— An additional total of $533,000 in strategic grants to 13 organizations, some which are highlighted below
Climate change continues to severely impact Colorado’s water systems, and researchers predict that rivers may shrink by as much as 30 percent by 2050. In 2023, Gates Family Foundation supported the Lincoln Institute’s Water & Tribes Initiative, which was established in 2017 to serve as connective tissue for Tribal Nations to increase their own capacity and collaboration in developing water resource and policy decisions for the Colorado River Basin. The Sangre de Cristo Acequia Association represents 73 acequias in the San Luis Valley; these community-operated water management systems are a longstanding model of water sharing for over 300 families throughout the Valley.
Forest health and watershed health are closely linked, with a majority of Colorado’s water supply coming from forested watersheds. Due to drought, wildfires, overly-dense stands, and disease Colorado’s forests actually emit more carbon than is stored. In 2023, Gates Family Foundation continued our collaborative funding approach with the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation, Great Outdoors Colorado, and other state, federal, and private partners to support the RESTORE Colorado Program. This initiative advances land restoration efforts on river corridors, riparian areas, wetlands and forestland, and prioritizes cross-jurisdictional projects at scale.
With help from a number of partners and industry leaders, in 2023 Gates Family Foundation also assembled a broad coalition of public and private institutions to form the Colorado Mass Timber Coalition (CMTC). CMTC’s mission is to accelerate the use of mass timber products and technology in the next generation of buildings in Colorado, and to create a future where mass timber products can be made here using timber harvested locally, including timber resulting from efforts to improve forest and watershed health. The Coalition is anchored at the National Forest Foundation.
Landscape-scale conservation persists as a priority for the Foundation. In 2023 we supported a major land conservation project in the San Luis Valley in collaboration with Western Rivers Conservancy and continued our support of Keep It Colorado’s programming and problem-solving projects. We have also sustained our commitment to focused landscapes in Southeast Colorado and the San Luis Valley. 2023 marked our ninth year of support to partner organizations Palmer Land Conservancy and the Rio Grande Headwaters Land Trust, two community-based organizations implementing and developing conservation tools and thoughtful approaches to ensure land protection and water management and provide long-term conservation solutions to these regions. A total of $1,335,000 of funding was distributed in 2023 to support work in Southeast Colorado and the San Luis Valley through the focus landscapes program.
We continue to be inspired by our partners and the work they’re doing to conserve our unique landscapes and waterways and support the communities that live and access these places. In 2024, Gates remains committed to tackling challenges and finding opportunities through collaboration, listening, and championing ideas both big and small.
Grantee | Amount Awarded | Type | Strategy | Area Served |
Bluff Lake Nature Center | $75,000 |
Parks & Recreation |
Central Colorado Conservancy | $30,000 |
Natural Resources > Forest Health & Watershed Restoration |
City of Craig | $20,000 |
Parks & Recreation |
City of Las Animas | $25,000 |
Parks & Recreation |
City of Wheat Ridge | $30,000 |
Parks & Recreation |
Colorado Northwestern Community College | $15,000 |
Parks & Recreation |
Conservation Colorado Education Fund | $80,000 |
Natural Resources > Forest Health & Watershed Restoration |
Conservation Lands Foundation | $25,000 |
Natural Resources > Forest Health & Watershed Restoration |
Custer 2020 | $20,000 |
Parks & Recreation |
Eagle Valley Land Trust | $30,000 |
Natural Resources > Land Trust Capacity Building |
Ecosystem Integrity Fund V | $2,000,000 |
Natural Resources |
Field of Dreams 2 | $25,000 |
Parks & Recreation |
GES Coalition | $25,000 |
Parks & Recreation |
Grand Mesa Nordic Council | $20,000 |
Parks & Recreation |
Huerfano County | $16,700 |
Parks & Recreation |
Keep it Colorado | $20,000 |
Natural Resources > Land Trust Capacity Building |
Lincoln Institute of Land Policy | $10,000 |
Natural Resources > Balanced Water Management |
Lyme Timber Company LP — Forest Fund VI | $1,000,000 |
Natural Resources > Forest Health & Watershed Restoration |
Middle Park Medical Foundation | $20,000 |
Parks & Recreation |
Montrose Regional Health | $20,000 |
Parks & Recreation |
National Fish and Wildlife Foundation | $150,000 |
Natural Resources > Ecosystem Services |
National Forest Foundation | $625,000 |
Natural Resources > Forest Health & Watershed Restoration |
National Forest Foundation | $15,000 |
Natural Resources > Land Trust Capacity Building |
National Forest Foundation | $250,000 |
Natural Resources > Balanced Water Management |
New Venture Fund | $50,000 |
Natural Resources > Balanced Water Management |
Sangre de Cristo Acequia Association | $20,000 |
Natural Resources > Balanced Water Management |
The Alliance for Collective Action | $0 |
Natural Resources |
Town of Buena Vista | $20,000 |
Parks & Recreation |
Town of Eads | $40,000 |
Parks & Recreation |
Town of Otis | $25,000 |
Parks & Recreation |
Trinity Community Park | $20,000 |
Parks & Recreation |
Urban Land Conservancy | $75,000 |
Natural Resources > Forest Health & Watershed Restoration |
Urban Land Institute Foundation | $50,000 |
Natural Resources > Balanced Water Management |
Western Landowners Alliance | $30,000 |
Natural Resources > Balanced Water Management |
Western Rivers Conservancy | $50,000 |
Natural Resources > Landscape Conservation |
Yampa Valley Community Foundation | $3,000 |
Natural Resources |
Gates Family Foundation is committed to advancing a Colorado where all children have access to educational opportunities that support their long-term success. We firmly believe that investing in solutions that support students who are most in need raises outcomes for all. The Foundation’s education strategies have historically been rooted in an effort to address inequities — and a commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) remains an important part of our current strategy. In 2023, we also continued to shape our work in education through a Foundation-wide commitment to be responsive to the impacts of climate change and the shifting conditions caused by the pandemic.
There is much work to be done to raise outcomes for all students in Colorado. In 2023, students in nearly every grade and subject had lower rates of grade-level proficiency than before the pandemic on the Colorado Measures of Academic Success (CMAS) standardized tests. Across the state, only 44 percent of students met or exceed expectations in English Language Arts, and only 33 percent did so in mathematics. Large proficiency gaps between student groups persist; a more than 30 percentage-point gap in proficiency exists between students who qualify for free- or reduced-price lunch and those who do not.
In 2023, Gates’ education program committed $3,865,600 to 31 organizations via 33 strategic grants and $1,200,000 in responsive capital grants to 25 organizations, guided by three strategies:
This strategy includes investing in new learning models, informal out-of-system learning environments (like microschools); and investing in innovative new models or leaders who want to pilot new ideas during summer and out-of-school time. Below are a few of the organizations that the education team had the honor of supporting:
Wildflower Montessori Public Schools of Colorado expanded its reach to Grand Junction by launching five Montessori micro schools in a predominantly low-income, Latino community.
La Luz is a community partner-intensive micro school for middle school students in metro Denver. At La Luz, the school year is broken down into multi-week learning units based at community organizations. La Luz partners with community organizations, like the Denver Zoo, to co-create authentic learning experiences where students can develop skills through targeted instruction and feedback, practice and reflection, and real-world application. La Luz tracks academic and competency growth. The micro school supported 22 students in the 2023-2024 school year and plans to support more than 40 families next school year.
This strategy includes supporting multi-district community and school district partnerships that are focused on climate change education and college and career pathways. The education staff had the honor of supporting:
A three-year grant totaling $1,750,000 from Gates to Lyra Colorado in 2023 will support five rural Colorado communities as they re-envision education and workforce opportunities for students and economies and also will support the ongoing development of three innovation zones in Denver Public Schools.
Ensuring a diverse teacher workforce in rural areas, retaining a diverse teacher workforce in urban areas, supporting advocacy that elevates student voice at the grassroots and grasstops levels, and launching and sustaining pooled funds and investments to support innovation and address new challenges in education are all strategies that strengthen conditions for sustained innovation. Below are a few of the organizations that the education staff had the honor of supporting in 2023:
Fort Lewis College (FLC) Foundation in Durango and the Southwest Indigenous Language Development Institute (SILDI). This three-year partnership between FLC’s School of Education and three Ute tribes (Southern Ute Indian Tribe, Ute Mountain Ute Tribe, and Northern Ute Tribe) is focused on regenerating the Ute Language, developing a Ute language curriculum, and certifying Ute language teachers. Before launching SILDI, only 32 fluent Ute speakers were living.
RootED plays a strong backbone role in supporting innovation in the Denver metro area. RootEd galvanizes its advocacy grantees in support of innovation zones and protects the autonomy of district schools. RootEd is a solid partner in the Organizing Educations in Colorado (OEC) Funder Collaborative which supports grassroots education advocacy. In 2023 RootED, Denver Families, City Fund, Lyra and others helped each new board member understand the importance of innovation schools and zones as an option within the Denver Public Schools portfolio.
Also in 2023, RootEd launched the Denver Education Explorer. The platform hosts two tools for exploring local school data:
— Denver School Insights is a free, public dashboard intended for use by elected officials, education organizations, and people who are interested in district academic outcomes at a citywide or regional level. The dashboard provides accessible, comprehensive, and transparent school information to highlight bright spots in academic growth; identify persistent challenges; understand where additional support for schools is needed, and hold district leaders accountable.
— The Mile High School Guide helps parents and caregivers choose a public school in Denver that best fits the needs of their child. The guide provides detailed information about each school, allowing users to view and compare academic information, student and teacher demographics, social-emotional supports, enrichment opportunities, and more
In addition to grantmaking, Foundation staff work to convening stakeholders and funding partners for collective action. Highlights from 2023 include:
Gates Family Foundation continuously examines how our organization fulfills its mission and how best to integrate DEI in all levels and aspects of our work. Gates’ education staff was part of the team that created an Equity in Action plan outlining steps to address DEI issues across the Foundation.
Education staff also joined a national DEI practitioners’ group that includes the Walton Family Foundation, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the Ford Foundation, and others to share best practices, resources, and strategies to cultivate equity and belonging.
As a result of these efforts, the Foundation board and staff welcomed new members with diverse perspectives and backgrounds, included DEI goals in new board member training, increased program officer accessibility, and began the process of revising our grant applications to include a DEI lens.
In April 2023, in partnership with Caring for Colorado and Caring for Denver, Gates Family Foundation launched the Youth and Policy Impact Group. The group is focused on supporting efforts to capture and elevate youth voices to inform policy at the school, district, city, and state levels so that the entire education system can be more responsive to the needs of young people. The group has drafted a mission, outlined several strategies, and plans to increase funder participation in 2024.
Gates also continues to be a member of the Organizing for Education in Colorado (OEC) Funder Collaborative (formerly “CEO”). Other members in 2023 included Wend Collective, RootEd, and Rose Community Foundation. Together, the group pooled and distributed a total of $235,000 to nine organizations focused on implementing a community plan to advocate for a policy or practice change.
In 2023, an external evaluation of OEC was conducted by RootEd Growth. The methodology included 12 interviews with funders, and grantees, past and current, and two focus groups with young people who have been involved with OEC-funded initiatives. A key finding indicates that OEC reached its primary goal of increasing the voice and power of those least represented or heard in the educational system through its grantmaking efforts and processes. The study found that OEC’s strategic efforts contributed to a paradigm shift in Colorado’s educational system where organizing is now perceived to improve school systems. OEC participants will host a reception in 2024 to share results.
Grantee | Amount Awarded | Type | Strategy | Area Served |
50CAN Inc. | $50,000 |
Education > Conditions for Sustained Innovation |
Archuleta County Education Center | $35,000 |
Education |
Arrupe Jesuit High School | $50,000 |
Education > Learning Environment Innovation |
Atlas Preparatory School | $30,000 |
Education > Learning Environment Innovation |
Axis International Academy | $25,000 |
Education |
Battle Rock Charter School | $40,000 |
Education > Learning Environment Innovation |
Be the Change Community School | $31,600 |
Education > Learning Environment Innovation |
Boys & Girls Clubs of the San Luis Valley | $75,000 |
Education |
Chaffee County Childcare Initiative | $15,000 |
Education |
Chalkbeat | $100,000 |
Education > Conditions for Sustained Innovation > Informed Communities > Addressing Civic News Gaps |
Chance Sports | $30,000 |
Education > Learning Environment Innovation |
CLLARO | $40,000 |
Education > Conditions for Sustained Innovation |
Colorado Charter Facility Solutions | $100,000 |
Education > Conditions for Sustained Innovation |
Colorado Children’s Campaign | $50,000 |
Education > Conditions for Sustained Innovation |
Colorado League of Charter Schools | $80,000 |
Education > Conditions for Sustained Innovation |
Colorado League of Charter Schools | $30,000 |
Education > Learning Environment Innovation |
Colorado Succeeds | $50,000 |
Education > Conditions for Sustained Innovation |
Colorado Youth Congress | $50,000 |
Education > Conditions for Sustained Innovation |
Compass for Lifelong Discovery | $10,000 |
Education > Learning Environment Innovation |
Ednium The Alumni Collective | $50,000 |
Education > Conditions for Sustained Innovation |
Empower Community High School | $36,000 |
Education > Learning Environment Innovation |
English in Action | $30,000 |
Education |
Fort Lewis College Foundation | $150,000 |
Education > Learning Environment Innovation |
Highline Academy | $25,000 |
Education > Learning Environment Innovation |
Kwiyagat Community Academy | $30,000 |
Education > Learning Environment Innovation |
La Luz Education | $30,000 |
Education > Conditions for Sustained Innovation |
Legacy Institute | $150,000 |
Education > Learning Environment Innovation |
Lyra Colorado | $1,750,000 |
Education > School System Innovation |
Metropolitan State University of Denver | $75,000 |
Education |
Moonshot edVentures | $70,000 |
Education > Learning Environment Innovation |
Muslim Youth for Positive Impact | $35,000 |
Education > Conditions for Sustained Innovation |
National Wildlife Federation | $120,000 |
Education |
New Legacy Charter High School | $100,000 |
Education > Learning Environment Innovation |
Our Turn Inc. | $35,000 |
Education > Conditions for Sustained Innovation |
Pagosa Peak Open School | $25,000 |
Education > Learning Environment Innovation |
Re:Vision | $25,000 |
Education |
Reschool | $60,000 |
Education > Learning Environment Innovation |
RISE Colorado | $50,000 |
Education > Conditions for Sustained Innovation |
RootED | $90,000 |
Education > School System Innovation |
RootED | $400,000 |
Education > Conditions for Sustained Innovation |
Sims-Fayola Foundation, Inc. | $50,000 |
Education > Conditions for Sustained Innovation |
Southwest Colorado Education Collaborative | $35,000 |
Education > Learning Environment Innovation |
Special Education Leader Fellowship c/o Propeller | $45,000 |
Education > Conditions for Sustained Innovation |
Squared Network (The) | $150,000 |
Education > Learning Environment Innovation |
Tact Kids Inc. | $40,000 |
Education |
Teach For America | $25,000 |
Education > Conditions for Sustained Innovation |
The Wildflower Foundation | $25,000 |
Education |
The Wildflower Foundation | $95,000 |
Education > Learning Environment Innovation |
Think 360 Arts For Learning Inc. | $40,000 |
Education > Conditions for Sustained Innovation |
Town of Buena Vista | $45,000 |
Education |
University of Colorado at Denver | $30,000 |
Education > Conditions for Sustained Innovation |
Vision Charter Academy | $20,000 |
Education > Learning Environment Innovation |
Walking Mountains Science Center | $15,000 |
Education |
Wild Plum Center for Young Children and Families | $20,000 |
Education |
Yampa Valley Community Foundation | $3,000 |
Education > School System Innovation |
Youthroots | $25,000 |
Education > Conditions for Sustained Innovation |
In 2023, increased inflation put pressure on low- and moderate-income households in Colorado and across the country. A corresponding rise in interest rates has been challenging for community development partners. The cost of capital has been detrimental to low-to-moderate income households looking for homeownership, for small business owners looking for growth capital, and for developers building affordable housing and community facilities. The 2023 legislative session sparked a statewide conversation about land use decisions. While the 2023 bill did not pass, the debates on land use, zoning, and the state’s appropriate role in determining community growth patterns and density continued into the 2024 session, where lawmakers passed six major bills to address housing affordability.
Implementation of Proposition 123, passed by Colorado voters in 2022 to establish a statewide affordable housing fund to increase housing supply, began in 2023. By the end of 2023, many Colorado communities had opted in to participate in the housing program. Grants for land banking, modular construction, and housing construction loans (debt program) have all launched through the Colorado Housing and Finance Authority and the Colorado Division of Housing, bringing the promise of expanded housing opportunities across the state.
Also in 2023, an unprecedented number of newly arrived residents, primarily from Venezuela, have come to Colorado, fleeing persecution and economic turmoil in search of new opportunity. Denver and other local communities have the opportunity to be the most welcoming version of themselves, seeking creative solutions to meet basic needs, create work access pipelines, and address short-and long-term housing.
At the Foundation, Community Development staff continue to invest in solutions that advance economic mobility and create access to equitable community assets in Colorado. Addressing structural inequities and advancing climate solutions are two Foundation-wide priorities as well, touching all of our strategic focus areas.
In 2023, the Gates Community Development program committed:
— $1,873,000 in strategic grants to 31 organizations and $1,647,750 in responsive capital grants to 19 organizations
— A total of $1.75 million to three new community development-focused Program-Related Investments (PRIs): First Southwest Bank ($1 million), Elevation Community Land Trust’s Developer Startup Investment fund ($550,000), Sober Apartment Living Colorado ($200,000). There were also new Mission Related Investments to Rose Affordable Housing Preservation VI, Lafayette Square Business Development Company, and the Mission Colorado Fund.
The Foundation continued to elevate its focus on affordable and accessible housing in Colorado. The Foundation has supported the Community Land Trust model as an important way to increase opportunities for homeownership in Colorado. In 2024, GFF made a large five-year capacity grant to Elevation Community Land Trust (ECLT) in conjunction with the Capital Grants program and a program related investment commitment to ECLT for predevelopment financing. Gates supported and attended the inaugural Colorado Community Land Trust convening, hosted by the Chaffee Housing Trust, and made a capital grant commitment to the GES Coalition for land acquisition.
Additional housing grant investments included support for policy work and capacity building by Enterprise Community Partners, a ‘get homeownership ready’ course by Boss Generation, expanding access to accessory dwelling units through the West Denver Renaissance Collaborative, and Justice for the People Legal Center to build capacity for mobile home ownership in the Westwood neighborhood of Denver. A grant to Colorado Latino Leadership, Advocacy & Research Organization (CLLARO), shared with the GFF Education program, will support research on Latino/Latina housing needs, education access, and more across the state.
This year, the Gates Community Development program supported economic mobility with expanded investment in workforce development (both policy and data sharing through the Colorado Equitable Economic Mobility Initiative, and practice through support of Activate Work’s workforce expansion in the tech sector). GFF supported building a more inclusive economy through community wealth building strategies (Center for Community Wealth Building), and entrepreneurship with a three-year grant to Startup Colorado, to support rural regions of the state.
Gates also helped commission a report on the state of Colorado Commercial Real Estate Ownership, to increase access to ownership for nonprofits, small businesses, and BIPOC- and women-owned businesses in Colorado.
The Foundation advanced equity and climate-focused work with a grant to Denver Urban Gardens to increase green spaces in west Denver, and to the Climate Strong Initiative-a cohort of climate-focused Entrepreneurs of Color. A three-year grant to Denver Streets Partnership will build greener and more affordable transportation options beyond private vehicles.
As we look to 2024 and beyond, the Foundation continues to listen, learn, and look for ways to advance economic mobility, promote community wealth building strategies, increase housing access and affordability, and support the development of community-serving assets. Please reach out with your ideas and insights! You can submit ideas here, or contact me directly here.
Grantee | Amount Awarded | Type | Strategy | Area Served |
A Woman’s Place | $35,000 |
Well-Being of Children, Youth & Families |
A.R. Mitchell Museum | $500 |
Arts & Culture |
Acequia Institute | $30,000 |
Community Development > Food Systems & Agriculture |
Achieve Inc. | $20,000 |
Well-Being of Children, Youth & Families |
Activate Work Inc. | $50,000 |
Community Development > Economic Mobility |
Apprentice of Peace Youth Organization | $20,000 |
Well-Being of Children, Youth & Families |
Association of Fundraising Professionals Colorado Chapter | $20,000 |
Community Development |
Axis Health System | $30,000 |
Well-Being of Children, Youth & Families |
Be the Gift Inc. | $15,000 |
Well-Being of Children, Youth & Families |
BEN Colorado | $50,000 |
Community Development > Economic Mobility |
BeyondHome | $20,000 |
Well-Being of Children, Youth & Families |
Bicycle Colorado | $225,000 |
Community Development > Equitable Community Assets |
Boss Generation | $15,000 |
Community Development > Economic Mobility |
Boulder Public Library | $20,000 |
Arts & Culture |
Boys & Girls Clubs of Chaffee County | $50,000 |
Well-Being of Children, Youth & Families |
Boys & Girls Clubs of Metro Denver | $120,000 |
Well-Being of Children, Youth & Families |
Bridge (The) | $25,000 |
Well-Being of Children, Youth & Families |
Center for African American Health | $25,000 |
Well-Being of Children, Youth & Families |
Center for Community Wealth Building | $120,000 |
Community Development > Economic Mobility |
Center for Community Wealth Building | $25,000 |
Community Development > Equitable Community Assets |
Chaffee Housing Authority | $50,000 |
Well-Being of Children, Youth & Families |
Chaffee Housing Trust | $10,000 |
Community Development > Equitable Community Assets |
Chicano Humanities and Art Council | $10,000 |
Arts & Culture |
City of Fort Collins | $25,000 |
Arts & Culture |
City of Manitou Springs | $25,000 |
Arts & Culture |
City of Trinidad | $2,000 |
Community Development |
CLLARO | $20,000 |
Community Development > Economic Mobility |
CO-Invest – Mission Colorado Fund | $1,000,000 |
Community Development > Economic Mobility |
Co-Lead International | $50,000 |
Community Development > Economic Mobility |
Colorado Community College System Foundation | $20,000 |
Community Development > Economic Mobility |
Colorado Criminal Justice Reform Coalition | $30,000 |
Well-Being of Children, Youth & Families |
Colorado Enterprise Fund | $20,000 |
Community Development > Economic Mobility |
Colorado Equitable Economic Mobility Initiative | $50,000 |
Community Development > Economic Mobility |
Colorado Inclusive Economy | $30,000 |
Community Development > Economic Mobility |
Colorado League of Charter Schools | $20,000 |
Community Development > Equitable Community Assets |
Colorado Mountain College Foundation | $30,000 |
Well-Being of Children, Youth & Families |
Commún | $35,000 |
Community Development > Equitable Community Assets |
Community Health Partnership | $30,000 |
Well-Being of Children, Youth & Families |
CrossPurpose | $25,000 |
Well-Being of Children, Youth & Families |
Denver Area Youth for Christ | $25,000 |
Well-Being of Children, Youth & Families |
Denver Arts and Venues | $200,000 |
Arts & Culture |
Denver Civic Ventures | $20,000 |
Community Development > Equitable Community Assets |
Denver Housing Authority | $50,000 |
Community Development > Equitable Community Assets |
Denver Urban Gardens | $35,000 |
Community Development > Equitable Community Assets |
Denver Urban Gardens | $25,000 |
Community Development > Food Systems & Agriculture |
El Centro Su Teatro | $20,000 |
Arts & Culture |
Elevation Athletic Performance Foundation | $20,000 |
Community Development |
Elevation Athletic Performance Foundation | $5,000 |
Community Development > Equitable Community Assets |
Elevation Community Land Trust | $1,000,000 |
Community Development > Equitable Community Assets |
Elevation Community Land Trust | $500,000 |
Community Development > Equitable Community Assets |
Elevation Community Land Trust – Developer Startup Investment | $550,000 |
Community Development |
Enterprise Community Partners Inc. | $100,000 |
Community Development > Economic Mobility |
Fax Partnership (The) | $70,000 |
Community Development > Equitable Community Assets |
First Southwest Bank | $1,000,000 |
Community Development > Economic Mobility |
Food Justice Northwest Aurora | $25,000 |
Community Development > Food Systems & Agriculture |
Food to Power | $22,000 |
Community Development > Food Systems & Agriculture |
FrontLine Farming | $60,000 |
Community Development > Food Systems & Agriculture |
Grand Lake Area Historical Society | $30,000 |
Arts & Culture |
Growing Gardens of Boulder County | $20,000 |
Community Development > Food Systems & Agriculture |
Interfaith Hospitality Network of Colorado Springs | $10,000 |
Well-Being of Children, Youth & Families |
Justice for the People Legal Center | $60,000 |
Community Development > Equitable Community Assets |
Karval Community Alliance | $25,000 |
Well-Being of Children, Youth & Families |
KidsPak | $20,000 |
Well-Being of Children, Youth & Families |
La Puente Home | $50,000 |
Well-Being of Children, Youth & Families |
Lafayette Square Business Development Company | $1,500,000 |
Community Development > Economic Mobility > Equitable Community Assets |
Loaves and Fishes Ministries of Fremont County | $25,000 |
Well-Being of Children, Youth & Families |
Longmont Museum | $40,000 |
Arts & Culture |
Loveland Youth Gardeners | $10,000 |
Community Development > Food Systems & Agriculture |
Lyons Emergency Assistance Fund – LEAF | $20,000 |
Well-Being of Children, Youth & Families |
Magic Circle Players | $25,000 |
Arts & Culture |
Miners Alley Playhouse | $30,000 |
Arts & Culture |
Moffat Road Railroad Museum | $20,000 |
Arts & Culture |
Momentum Advisory Collective | $50,000 |
Well-Being of Children, Youth & Families |
Montbello Organizing Committee | $130,000 |
Community Development > Equitable Community Assets |
Montbello Organizing Committee | $70,000 |
Community Development > Economic Mobility |
Museum of Friends | $30,000 |
Arts & Culture |
Museum of Friends | $500 |
Arts & Culture |
National Wildlife Federation | $35,000 |
Community Development |
NeighborWorks of Southern Colorado | $75,000 |
Community Development > Equitable Community Assets |
North London Mill Preservation, Inc. | $20,000 |
Arts & Culture |
Nourish CO | $45,000 |
Community Development > Economic Mobility |
Paradox Community Trust | $30,000 |
Community Development > Equitable Community Assets |
Pikes Peak United Way | $25,000 |
Well-Being of Children, Youth & Families |
Pine River Shares | $53,750 |
Community Development > Food Systems & Agriculture |
Project Worthmore | $40,000 |
Well-Being of Children, Youth & Families |
Redline Contemporary Art Center | $15,000 |
Community Development > Equitable Community Assets |
Response: Help for Survivors of Domestic and Sexual Assault | $20,000 |
Well-Being of Children, Youth & Families |
Riverside Educational Center | $40,000 |
Well-Being of Children, Youth & Families |
Rose Affordable Housing Preservation Fund VI | $3,000,000 |
Community Development > Equitable Community Assets |
Sedgwick County | $75,000 |
Well-Being of Children, Youth & Families |
Sister Carmen Community Center | $20,000 |
Well-Being of Children, Youth & Families |
Sober Apartment Living CO | $200,000 |
Community Development > Equitable Community Assets |
Sober Apartment Living CO | $30,000 |
Well-Being of Children, Youth & Families |
Southeast Colorado Creative Partnership | $50,000 |
Arts & Culture |
Start Up Colorado | $110,000 |
Community Development > Economic Mobility |
Steel City Theatre Company | $25,000 |
Arts & Culture |
Struggle of Love Foundation | $25,000 |
Well-Being of Children, Youth & Families |
The Alliance for Collective Action | $0 |
Community Development |
Think 360 Arts For Learning Inc. | $10,000 |
Community Development > Equitable Community Assets |
Thriving Families | $35,000 |
Well-Being of Children, Youth & Families |
Tigray-Ethiopian Community Association of Colorado | $30,000 |
Well-Being of Children, Youth & Families |
United Way of Larimer County | $20,000 |
Well-Being of Children, Youth & Families |
Victor Lowell Thomas Museum | $40,000 |
Arts & Culture |
Volunteers of America | $55,000 |
Well-Being of Children, Youth & Families |
We Help and Love Everyone (WHALE) | $20,000 |
Well-Being of Children, Youth & Families |
Western Colorado Community Foundation | $25,000 |
Community Development |
Wray Public Library | $25,000 |
Arts & Culture |
Yampa Valley Community Foundation | $3,000 |
Community Development |
As Colorado emerges from the pandemic years, our communities are being challenged by divisive national rhetoric, digital disinformation campaigns, and social isolation. Within this context, Gates Family Foundation firmly believes that Colorado’s trusted sources of local news have a unique and important role to play in helping local communities reimagine and rebuild Colorado’s public square, both online and in person.
In 2023, our Informed Communities program continued to make grants, convene partners, and pool funds with local and national foundations to help ensure that all Coloradans have access to reliable local news and information they need to participate in a healthy democracy and make well-informed decisions about a wide range of issues that are important to the future of our state.
To support informed communities, Gates focuses attention and resources on three strategies:
In 2023, Gates’ Informed Communities program awarded a total of $403,000 to five grantees:
— $250,000 to the National Trust for Local News toward their purchase of a new community printing press to serve 23 Colorado Trust for Local News publications; in 2024 NTLN plans to offer mission-aligned printing services to dozens of other small publishers on the Front Range, who have faced double-digit cost increases in recent years;
— $62,000 to Hearken to support the 2023 Colorado Engaged Elections Fellowship, where 13 newsrooms had the opportunity to collaborate, learn from industry experts including including Hearken co-founder Jennifer Brandel, and share best practices for engaged journalism — raising the bar for election reporting and civic participation and setting the stage for 2024’s statewide Voter Voices initiative. Each Engaged Elections Fellowship newsroom also received a $1,000 stipend to support their engagement strategy;
— $35,000 to Colorado Public Radio to help support a major upgrade of the Denverite website and share learning with other newsrooms;
— $31,000 to Aurora Media Group to support the sustainability of Sentinel Colorado, which provides daily local news coverage for Aurora’s diverse, growing, and vibrant communities; and
— $25,000 to the Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press to support a Colorado-based media law attorney who represents Colorado newsrooms and journalists on important matters related to freedom of information and public accountability.
In addition, in 2023 Gates’ Education program awarded a two-year, $100,000 grant to Chalkbeat Colorado, to support its efforts to engage more Spanish-speakers in public education conversations and coverage. Our Capital Grants program also awarded a $20,000 grant to the Denver Press Club, to support upgrades to its historic building.
Finally, also in 2023 a total of $410,956 previously committed by Gates to the Colorado Media Project was combined with a total of $854,045 from other Colorado and national donors to provide:
— $302,640 total to 25 grantees through the second round of CMP’s Advancing Equity in Local News Fund, which aims to increase diversity and inclusion within Colorado newsrooms, strengthen connections between Colorado newsrooms and the communities they serve, and support newsroom leaders of color;
— $140,000 to 28 newsrooms in the 2023 #newsCOneeds initiative, providing them with $5,000 in matching funds plus technical support to plan and execute year-end giving campaigns to increase revenue from local individuals;
— A total of $300,000 to the Colorado News Collaborative and Colorado Press Association to support industry-led working groups, newsroom analysis and coaching, and pilot projects to address big issues facing the field — including digital conversion, the future of printing, and development of an ethnic media advertising network;
— The 2023 Colorado Media Project Summit, which brought together more than 130 leaders from Colorado journalism, nonprofits, government, philanthropy and business to develop a five-year vision for the future of local news in our state; and
— A new external evaluation of CMP’s grantmaking and impact.
As we look to the future, the Foundation is actively seeking ways to advance equity in local news, promote diverse ownership and voices in local news, increase collaboration and efficiencies in the local news ecosystem, and support the development of new revenue streams for local newsrooms. Please reach out to me with your ideas and insights!
Grantee | Amount Awarded | Type | Strategy | Area Served |
Aurora Media Group | $31,000 |
Informed Communities > Inclusive Leadership, Voices & Models |
Chalkbeat | $100,000 |
Education > Conditions for Sustained Innovation > Informed Communities > Addressing Civic News Gaps |
Colorado Public Radio/KCFR | $35,000 |
Informed Communities > Addressing Civic News Gaps |
Denver Press Club | $20,000 |
Informed Communities |
Hearken Inc. | $62,000 |
Informed Communities > Inclusive Leadership, Voices & Models |
National Trust for Local News | $250,000 |
Informed Communities > Civic News Ecosystem-Building |
Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press | $25,000 |
Informed Communities > Civic News Ecosystem-Building |
In 2022, the Natural Resources team enthusiastically implemented our first year of the Foundation’s 2022-2027 strategic plan. Lessons learned during its development have since serve to guide our team on the most impactful and intentional use of time and resources in the coming years — in both grantmaking and in strategic conversations and convenings. We know that tactical partnership is valued by our communities, so we are seeking ways to anticipate needs and be proactive in catalyzing these conversations and efforts.
New federal funding will provide a once-in-a-generation opportunity to move the needle for communities and partners working in many of the Foundation’s priority areas. The bipartisan Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act includes billions of dollars for western water infrastructure projects and for climate resilience strategies such as restoring wetland and riparian areas. In addition, the Inflation Reduction Act promises even more for investing in domestic energy production while promoting clean energy.
All of these opportunities are closely aligned with goals of the Natural Resources program:
Colorado communities and economies require dependable and clean water supplies, healthy forests and watersheds, and lands that support agricultural production, wildlife habitat, and a way for people in every corner of the state to access the benefits of being outdoors. We have had the opportunity to sustain commitments on some of these fronts and to foster new growth in others.
In 2022, the Natural Resources program awarded:
$2,526,500 in strategic grants to 18 organizations
$130,0000 in responsive capital grants to three organizations
The Foundation also made a $200,000 MRI commitment to the Future of Water Fund
Balanced Water Management: The aridification of the West and water shortages across the region highlight the urgency of new and collaborative cross-sector solutions.
Staff participated in meetings hosted by the Water Foundation’s Water Table throughout the year. This learning opportunity provides insights both wide and deep into the serious challenges we face across the West in supporting natural habitats, agricultural resources and communities, recreational use, and municipalities and industry with the water quality and quantities required for each use. That learning supported or encouraged our commitments to funding nature-based solutions with Quantified Ventures as a solution in climate change adaptation and building resilience in landscapes and communities and partnering with the Colorado Water Trust to pioneer the tools and research needed to address river flows to benefit the environment and communities. Investments in the San Luis Valley continue to grow in light of water export threats, climate change, and groundwater depletion. The Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Partnership, American Rivers, the Salazar Center, and Colorado Open Lands are all working to advance solutions in this part of the state.
Forest Health and Watershed Restoration: Forest health and watershed health are closely linked, with a majority of Colorado’s water supply coming from forested watersheds.
In 2022 we continued our collaborative funding approach with the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation, Great Outdoors Colorado, and other state, federal, and private partners to support the RESTORE Colorado Program. This initiative advances land restoration efforts on river corridors, riparian areas and wetlands and forestland projects and prioritizes cross-jurisdictional projects at scale. Peaks to People is working to proactively treat fire risk in key watersheds in Northern Colorado, proving forest stewardship is an indispensable approach in achieving water security.
Landscape Conservation and Land Trust Capacity Building: We have sustained our commitment to our focused landscapes in Southeast Colorado and the San Luis Valley. Partner organizations Palmer Land Conservancy and the Rio Grande Headwaters Land Trust are collaborating with partners on innovative conservation tools and thoughtful approaches to ensure that the work done is resilient, community-based, and provides long-term solutions. A total of $1,185,000 of funding was distributed in 2022 in support of work in southeast Colorado and the San Luis Valley.
Multi-year commitments to land trust organizations Keep It Colorado and Montezuma Land Conservancy will sustain and grow the land trust community’s ability to advance policy in accordance with land conservation needs and opportunities while highlighting the history of land conservation and the challenges of creating a future that is equitable and invites all communities to engage with land and conservation in Colorado.
Our strategic plan calls for thoughtful advancement on climate and diversity, equity, and inclusion work across all our programs. These two pillars, which are inextricably intertwined, guide us both internally and externally to encourage critical thinking, to identify new voices and perspectives, and to be accessible to all communities working toward natural resources solutions in our state. We take seriously the opportunity to better elevate underrepresented voices and advance community-driven solutions to these challenges.
Grantee | Amount Awarded | Type | Strategy | Area Served |
American Rivers, Inc. | $50,000 |
Natural Resources > Balanced Water Management |
Audubon Rockies | $125,000 |
Natural Resources > Balanced Water Management |
Avesta Colorado Fund | $1,250,000 |
Natural Resources |
Blackhorn Ventures Fund II | $2,000,000 |
Natural Resources |
Colorado Headwaters Land Trust | $40,000 |
Natural Resources |
Colorado Open Lands | $150,000 |
Natural Resources > Land Trust Capacity Building |
Colorado State University | $50,000 |
Natural Resources > Balanced Water Management |
Colorado Water Trust | $75,000 |
Natural Resources > Balanced Water Management |
Colorado West Land Trust | $150,000 |
Natural Resources > Balanced Water Management |
Concrete Couch | $15,000 |
Parks & Recreation |
Conservation Finance Network | $25,000 |
Natural Resources > Land Trust Capacity Building |
Delta County | $50,000 |
Parks & Recreation |
Denver Botanic Gardens | $35,000 |
Parks & Recreation |
Denver Civic Ventures | $50,000 |
Parks & Recreation |
Eagle County | $25,000 |
Parks & Recreation |
Future of Water Fund I | $200,000 |
Natural Resources |
Keep it Colorado | $375,000 |
Natural Resources > Land Trust Capacity Building |
Montezuma Land Conservancy | $300,000 |
Natural Resources > Land Trust Capacity Building |
Montezuma Land Conservancy | $50,000 |
Natural Resources |
Montrose Recreation District | $20,000 |
Parks & Recreation |
National Fish and Wildlife Foundation | $225,000 |
Natural Resources > Forest Health & Watershed Restoration |
National Wild Turkey Federation | $200,000 |
Natural Resources > Forest Health & Watershed Restoration |
Pacific Institute for Studies in Development, Environment and Security | $25,000 |
Natural Resources > Balanced Water Management |
Park People | $40,000 |
Parks & Recreation |
Peaks to People Water Fund | $225,000 |
Natural Resources > Balanced Water Management |
Quantified Ventures | $100,000 |
Natural Resources > Forest Health & Watershed Restoration |
Quantified Ventures | $101,500 |
Natural Resources > Balanced Water Management |
Salida Area Parks, Open Space and Trails (SPOT) | $50,000 |
Parks & Recreation |
Sonoran Institute | $100,000 |
Natural Resources > Balanced Water Management |
Strasburg Metro Parks and Recreation District | $25,000 |
Parks & Recreation |
Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Partnership | $50,000 |
Natural Resources > Balanced Water Management |
Town of Haxtun | $50,000 |
Parks & Recreation |
Town of Silver Plume | $43,000 |
Natural Resources |
Trust For Public Land | $150,000 |
Parks & Recreation |
Water Foundation | $150,000 |
Natural Resources > Balanced Water Management |
Western Resource Advocates | $50,000 |
Natural Resources > Balanced Water Management |
The K-12 education program continues to be driven by the vision that all children in Colorado have access to educational opportunities that support their long-term success. The Foundation’s education strategies have historically been rooted in an effort to address inequities. The 2022 strategies retained that focus and added 1) being responsive to the shifting conditions caused by the pandemic and 2) the impact of climate change.
In 2022, the education team at Gates focused on the launch of the strategic plan that refined some strategies and expanded others. Based on learning from the last five years of grantmaking and community conversations, the Foundation believes supporting innovation within learning environments, supporting the conditions that support innovation, and supporting school system change is the best lever to meaningfully impact educational inequity in Colorado.
In 2022, Gates’ education program paid out $2,739,000 in strategic grants and $485,000 in responsive capital grants.
The Foundation supports the staff to function in roles beyond grantmaking and this includes convening stakeholders and funding partners for collective action. In 2022, the education team was involved in the following activities:
In response to the need for more equity in the philanthropic field for funding that meets community needs and amplifies youth voices in philanthropy, Ana provided ongoing strategic support to YouthRoots for the GIV Fellowship, a philanthropic and nonprofit fellowship program.
The education team facilitated a process to open lines of communication and cooperation and that resulted in more equitable access to education for families in the Roaring Fork area. To share lessons learned, in 2022 the Foundation released a case study, We are One Community, and 50 people attended a webinar to discuss the process and the outcomes with local leaders.
In the realm of climate change, Gates’ close partner and grantee Lyra Colorado continued to help partners in rural communities across the state to develop and expand initiatives that address climate change. Climatarium helps school districts, higher education institutions, and nonprofit partners identify existing and new resources for developing local and regional academic, career, and student leadership pathways for students.
Grantee | Amount Awarded | Type | Strategy | Area Served |
Bluff Lake Nature Center | $25,000 |
Education > Learning Environment Innovation |
Colorado Charter Facility Solutions | $100,000 |
Education > Learning Environment Innovation |
Colorado Children’s Campaign | $50,000 |
Education > Conditions for Sustained Innovation |
Colorado Education Organizing Funder Collaborative (CEO) | $150,000 |
Education > Conditions for Sustained Innovation |
Colorado League of Charter Schools | $40,000 |
Education > Conditions for Sustained Innovation |
Colorado League of Charter Schools | $50,000 |
Education > Conditions for Sustained Innovation |
Colorado Rocky Mountain School | $50,000 |
Education > Learning Environment Innovation |
Colorado Succeeds | $60,000 |
Education > Conditions for Sustained Innovation |
Colorado Youth Congress | $50,000 |
Education > Conditions for Sustained Innovation |
Community West Healthcare | $40,000 |
Education |
Education Reform Now | $75,000 |
Education > Conditions for Sustained Innovation |
Embark Education | $70,000 |
Education > School System Innovation |
Embark Education | $70,000 |
Education > School System Innovation |
Empower Schools, Inc. | $175,000 |
Education > Conditions for Sustained Innovation |
Flame Lily Montessori | $25,000 |
Education |
Great Education Colorado | $25,000 |
Education > Conditions for Sustained Innovation |
Historic Hayden Granary Inc. | $70,000 |
Education > School System Innovation |
Innovation in Learning Fund | $80,000 |
Education > Learning Environment Innovation |
Keystone Center | $100,000 |
Education > Conditions for Sustained Innovation |
Kwiyagat Community Academy | $150,000 |
Education |
Lyra Colorado | $620,000 |
Education > School System Innovation |
Maslow Academy of Applied Learning, Inc. | $20,000 |
Education |
Mesa County Public Health | $70,000 |
Education |
Mile High United Way | $20,000 |
Education |
Montrose County School District RE-1J | $35,000 |
Education > Learning Environment Innovation |
Montrose County School District RE-1J | $70,000 |
Education > School System Innovation |
Montrose County School District RE-1J | $40,000 |
Education |
Moonshot edVentures | $60,000 |
Education > Learning Environment Innovation |
Public Education & Business Coalition – Teacher Residency Program | $250,000 |
Education |
Reach Capital IV | $2,000,000 |
Education |
Reach Opportunity II | $1,000,000 |
Education |
Reschool | $30,000 |
Education > Learning Environment Innovation |
RISE Colorado | $80,000 |
Education > Learning Environment Innovation |
RootED | $100,000 |
Education > Conditions for Sustained Innovation |
RootED | $300,000 |
Education > Conditions for Sustained Innovation |
Sims-Fayola Foundation, Inc. | $50,000 |
Education > Conditions for Sustained Innovation |
Southwest Open School | $50,000 |
Education |
Stead School (The) | $20,000 |
Education |
Thorne Nature Experience | $50,000 |
Education |
University Preparatory School | $35,000 |
Education |
University Preparatory School | $50,000 |
Education > Learning Environment Innovation |
Yampa Valley Community Foundation | $500 |
Education |
Gates Family Foundation has a long history of viewing local news and information as vital civic infrastructure, connected to all of our issue areas. Since 1967, we’ve provided program and project support for public media. Since 2010 we’ve supported new nonprofit news startups, new beats, watchdog journalism and documentary projects. And in 2019, we made a catalytic, three-year commitment to launch the Colorado Media Project as a special initiative — thanks to funding carved out from Gates’ education, natural resources, community development and capital grantmaking programs.
But not until 2022 did Gates create a designated pot of funds to support a fourth strategic focus area: Informed Communities. Extensive landscape research, surveys, and partner conversations have guided our new five-year strategic plan, including the Foundation’s newest grantmaking program. Through this work, we aim to help ensure that all Coloradans can access, trust, and engage with reliable local news and information they need to participate in a healthy democracy and make well-informed decisions about issues important to the future of our state.
To support informed communities, we focus our attention and resources on three strategies:
In 2022, Gates’ Informed Communities program committed a total of $1,342,956 to nine grantees, including:
A total of $1,110,956 committed to the Colorado Media Project over the next three years, of which $410,956 was released in 2022 and combined with funds from five other Colorado and national foundations to support:
— The second round of CMP’s Advancing Equity in Local News grant program, which provided 27 new grants totaling $352,640 to support efforts to increase diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) in Colorado newsrooms; build trust between Colorado newsrooms and the diverse communities they serve; and/or support more diverse and inclusive civic news leadership, entrepreneurship, ownership and narratives,
— The fifth year of CMP’s #newsCOneeds initiative that provided 32 Colorado newsrooms with $5,000 in matching funds plus technical support to plan and execute their year-end giving campaigns — which collectively raised more than $832,700 in total from local individuals,
— Seeding and launch of CMP’s Community News and Innovation Fund, which supports ecosystem builders including the Colorado Press Association, the Colorado News Collaborative, and the Public News Company as they help local newsrooms explore and pilot innovative solutions to business, digital and revenue challenges that they are facing right now, in communities across the state, and
— External evaluation of CMP’s grantmaking and impact.
A two-year, $112,000 commitment to the National Trust for Local News, to add operational capacity to the Colorado News Conservancy and Colorado Community Media, in support of a $750,000 impact investment from Gates awarded in 2021
A $50,000 grant to The Colorado Sun, to help drive reader revenue through marketing and membership, in support of an eight-year, $1.5 million impact investment from Gates awarded in 2020
Five other grants to advance various initiatives including a pilot project with the League of Women Voters in Larimer County, a summer photojournalism camp for rural teens on the Western Slope, and a two-year commitment to the Denver Democracy Summit.
As we look to the future, the Foundation is actively seeking ways to advance equity in local news, promote diverse ownership and voices in local news, increase collaboration and efficiencies in the local news ecosystem, and support the development of new revenue streams for local newsrooms. Please reach out to me with your ideas and insights!
Grantee | Amount Awarded | Type | Strategy | Area Served |
Colorado Media Project | $110,956 |
Informed Communities > Civic News Ecosystem-Building |
Colorado Media Project | $900,000 |
Informed Communities > Civic News Ecosystem-Building |
Colorado State University | $5,000 |
Informed Communities > Addressing Civic News Gaps |
KGNU Community Radio | $60,000 |
Informed Communities |
League of Women Voters of Larimer County | $50,000 |
Informed Communities > Inclusive Leadership, Voices & Models |
National Trust for Local News | $112,000 |
Informed Communities > Civic News Ecosystem-Building |
Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press | $25,000 |
Informed Communities > Civic News Ecosystem-Building |
Rocky Mountain Public Media | $15,000 |
Informed Communities > Civic News Ecosystem-Building |
The Colorado Sun | $50,000 |
Informed Communities > Addressing Civic News Gaps |
University of Denver | $70,000 |
Informed Communities > Inclusive Leadership, Voices & Models |
Western Slope Photojournalism | $5,000 |
Informed Communities > Inclusive Leadership, Voices & Models |
For Colorado communities, 2022 was a time of both economic uncertainty and unprecedented federal investment, creating big challenges and opportunities for Colorado communities. Rising inflation and supply chain pains were felt in our homes and in staff rooms. Rising interest rates have added complexity for our nonprofit and community partners looking to find a permanent location or build affordable housing and community assets. At the same time, a huge influx of federal funds is bringing incredible opportunities for state and local governments. The passage of Proposition 123 in 2022 established a statewide affordable housing fund, which promises to increase access to housing supply at a time when our state desperately needs new affordable homes.
At the Foundation, Community Development staff worked to apply the new strategic plan, investing in solutions that advance Economic Mobility and create access to Equitable Community Assets in Colorado. Across the Foundation, staff worked to address structural inequity and invest in climate solutions.
In 2022, the Gates Community Development program committed $1,980,000 in strategic grants to 24 organizations and $743,000 in responsive capital grants to 15 organizations. There were two new community development related Program Related Investments in 2022 totaling $1.55 million: Colorado Housing Accelerator Initiative Fund ($1 million), and Elevation Community Land Trust for the Chestnut Lofts project ($550,000). There were also two Mission Related Investment commitments: to the Greater Colorado Venture Fund II and the Avesta Colorado Fund.
With a new strategic focus on affordable and accessible housing in Colorado, the Foundation made five grants and one PRI and dedicated additional staff time to participating in the sector. Housing grantees in 2022 included 9to5 Colorado to support housing justice efforts for mobile home communities, planning efforts to increase workforce housing in La Junta Colorado, pre-development support for an emerging community land trust — Home Trust of Ouray County — and support for developments led by Urban Land Conservancy and the ArtSpace Space to Create initiative.
This year, the Gates Community Development program supported economic mobility with expanded investment in workforce development, with grant investments in policy through the Colorado Equitable Economic Mobility Initiative, and investment in practice through ActivateWork. Gates made two notable investments in community wealth building strategies by supporting the Center for Community Wealth Building for collaborative work on access and ownership of commercial property and the Rocky Mountain Employee Ownership Center for its work in rural communities. The Foundation also continued its support of entrepreneurship strategies with 2022 grants to the Latino Leadership Institute’s Latino Entrepreneur Access Program, AYA Foundation and the Black Business Initiative, and First Southwest Community Fund for its work supporting rural entrepreneurs in the San Luis Valley and beyond.
Staff at Gates have observed the need for earlier support to nonprofits and community-serving development efforts as a strategy to increase equitable community assets. In today’s fast-paced and challenging real estate and construction markets, support for planning and design of community-serving assets can make a significant difference in what projects actually get built. In conjunction with the Capital grants program, Gates provided pre-development support to community-driven and BIPOC-led development efforts in 2022, including a GES Coalition-driven site in Globeville, Commún in Loretto Heights, Elevate Athletics in northeast Denver, and Cultivando in Adams County. As we move forward in 2023, we continue to ask the question: Who owns the city? How do we shift ownership of real estate to community-led and community-service projects?
The Foundation also advanced climate-focused work in Community Development with a three-year commitment to support advocacy and policy efforts to shift the transportation sector in Colorado; a Black-led greening initiative in the historic Five Points neighborhood, and two rural agricultural grants.
As we look to 2023 and beyond, the Foundation continues to listen, learn, and look for ways to advance economic mobility, promote community wealth building strategies, increase housing access and affordability, and support the development of community-serving assets. Please reach out with your ideas and insights! You can submit ideas here, or contact me directly here.
Grantee | Amount Awarded | Type | Strategy | Area Served |
9to5 National Association of Working Women/Colorado Chapter | $100,000 |
Community Development > Equitable Community Assets |
Activate Work Inc. | $100,000 |
Community Development > Economic Mobility |
Adaman Club | $15,000 |
Arts & Culture |
Art Students League of Denver | $15,000 |
Arts & Culture |
Artspace Projects, Inc. | $150,000 |
Community Development > Equitable Community Assets |
Artspace Projects, Inc. | $50,000 |
Community Development |
AYA Foundation | $90,000 |
Community Development > Economic Mobility |
Bicycle Colorado | $225,000 |
Community Development > Equitable Community Assets |
Boys & Girls Clubs of Larimer County | $25,000 |
Well-Being of Children, Youth & Families |
Boys and Girls Clubs of Weld County | $40,000 |
Well-Being of Children, Youth & Families |
BuCu West | $50,000 |
Community Development > Economic Mobility |
Butterfly Pavilion | $150,000 |
Arts & Culture |
CASA of Larimer County Inc. | $20,000 |
Well-Being of Children, Youth & Families |
Catholic Charities of Central Colorado | $50,000 |
Well-Being of Children, Youth & Families |
Center for African American Health | $30,000 |
Well-Being of Children, Youth & Families |
Center for Community Wealth Building | $160,000 |
Community Development > Equitable Community Assets |
Center for the Arts Evergreen, Inc. | $25,000 |
Arts & Culture |
Central City Opera House Association | $20,000 |
Arts & Culture |
City of La Junta | $35,000 |
Community Development > Equitable Community Assets |
Civic Center Conservancy | $80,000 |
Arts & Culture |
Cleo Parker Robinson Dance | $50,000 |
Arts & Culture |
Clifton Christian Church Food Bank | $25,000 |
Well-Being of Children, Youth & Families |
Collide Capital | $1,000,000 |
Community Development |
Colorado Black Arts Movement | $50,000 |
Arts & Culture |
Colorado Equitable Economic Mobility Initiative | $100,000 |
Community Development > Economic Mobility |
Colorado Housing Accelerator Initiative (CHAI) Fund | $1,000,000 |
Community Development |
Colorado Housing and Finance Authority | $25,000 |
Community Development > Economic Mobility |
Colorado Photographic Arts Center | $25,000 |
Arts & Culture |
Colorado Springs Pioneers Museum | $20,000 |
Arts & Culture |
Commún | $50,000 |
Community Development > Equitable Community Assets |
Community of Caring Foundation | $40,000 |
Well-Being of Children, Youth & Families |
Community Partnership Family Resource Center | $30,000 |
Well-Being of Children, Youth & Families |
Community Resource Center | $60,000 |
Capital Project Support > Civic Projects & Leadership |
Connect Church | $20,000 |
Well-Being of Children, Youth & Families |
CrossPurpose | $25,000 |
Well-Being of Children, Youth & Families |
Crow Luther Cultural Events Center/Town of Eads | $50,000 |
Arts & Culture |
Cultivando | $25,000 |
Community Development > Equitable Community Assets |
Cultivando | $50,000 |
Well-Being of Children, Youth & Families |
Dancing Spirit Inc. | $50,000 |
Arts & Culture |
Denver Foundation | $60,000 |
Capital Project Support > Civic Projects & Leadership |
Developmental FX | $20,000 |
Well-Being of Children, Youth & Families |
Elevation Athletic Performance Foundation | $25,000 |
Community Development > Equitable Community Assets |
Elevation Athletic Performance Foundation | $25,000 |
Community Development |
Elevation Community Land Trust – Chestnut Lofts | $550,000 |
Community Development |
Fax Partnership (The) | $150,000 |
Community Development > Equitable Community Assets |
First Southwest Community Fund | $100,000 |
Community Development > Economic Mobility |
Florence Architectural and Cultural Traditions F.A.C.T. | $35,000 |
Arts & Culture |
Fox West Theatre Alliance | $50,000 |
Arts & Culture |
Friends of the Genoa Tower | $50,000 |
Arts & Culture |
Garage Workspace | $20,000 |
Capital Project Support > Civic Projects & Leadership |
GES Coalition | $100,000 |
Community Development > Equitable Community Assets |
Grassroots Foundation, Inc. | $50,000 |
Community Development > Economic Mobility |
Greater Colorado Venture Fund II | $1,000,000 |
Community Development |
Haven House of Montrose Inc. | $35,000 |
Well-Being of Children, Youth & Families |
Hayden Heritage Center | $500 |
Arts & Culture |
Historic Elitch Gardens Theatre Foundation | $20,000 |
Arts & Culture |
Historic Routt County | $1,000 |
Arts & Culture |
Home Trust of Ouray County | $50,000 |
Community Development > Equitable Community Assets |
Judi’s House | $25,000 |
Well-Being of Children, Youth & Families |
Karis Inc. | $20,000 |
Well-Being of Children, Youth & Families |
Kim Robards Dance, Inc. | $15,000 |
Arts & Culture |
Latino Cultural Arts Center | $40,000 |
Arts & Culture |
Latino Leadership Institute | $50,000 |
Community Development > Economic Mobility |
Lincoln Hills Cares | $15,000 |
Community Development |
Mancos Common Press | $35,000 |
Community Development > Economic Mobility |
Mesa County Libraries Foundation | $45,000 |
Arts & Culture |
Mile High Connects | $25,000 |
Community Development > Equitable Community Assets |
Miners Alley Playhouse | $25,000 |
Arts & Culture |
Montezuma Orchard Restoration Project | $75,000 |
Community Development |
Mountain Roots Food Project | $25,000 |
Community Development |
Museum of Contemporary Art | $20,000 |
Arts & Culture |
National Museum of World War II Aviation, Inc. | $25,000 |
Arts & Culture |
National Wildlife Federation | $70,000 |
Community Development > Equitable Community Assets |
Needful Provision, Inc. (NPI) | $10,000 |
Community Development |
No Barriers USA | $20,000 |
Well-Being of Children, Youth & Families |
Piknik Theatre | $20,000 |
Arts & Culture |
Region 10 League for Economic Assistance and Planning | $50,000 |
Community Development > Economic Mobility |
Rocky Mountain Employee Ownership Center | $100,000 |
Community Development > Economic Mobility |
Rocky Mountain Repertory Theatre | $25,000 |
Arts & Culture |
Roundup River Ranch | $20,000 |
Well-Being of Children, Youth & Families |
RTL Foundation | $20,000 |
Capital Project Support > Civic Projects & Leadership |
San Luis Valley Local Foods Coalition | $50,000 |
Community Development > Economic Mobility |
San Luis Valley Local Foods Coalition | $53,000 |
Community Development |
Second Chance Center | $70,000 |
Well-Being of Children, Youth & Families |
Sociedad Protección Mutua de Trabajadores Unidos | $25,000 |
Well-Being of Children, Youth & Families |
Stratton Area Foundation, Inc. 2 | $30,000 |
Well-Being of Children, Youth & Families |
Summit County Family & Intercultural Resource Center | $30,000 |
Well-Being of Children, Youth & Families |
The Family Center/La Familia | $10,000 |
Well-Being of Children, Youth & Families |
United Way of Weld County | $25,000 |
Well-Being of Children, Youth & Families |
Urban Land Conservancy | $35,000 |
Community Development > Equitable Community Assets |
Urban Land Conservancy | $250,000 |
Community Development > Equitable Community Assets |
Urban Land Conservancy | $75,000 |
Community Development |
Urban Peak | $50,000 |
Well-Being of Children, Youth & Families |
Urbanity Advisors, LLC | $20,000 |
Community Development > Equitable Community Assets |
Ute Mountain Ute Tribe | $75,000 |
Community Development |
VFW Post 1 Foundation | $20,000 |
Well-Being of Children, Youth & Families |
Via Mobility | $25,000 |
Well-Being of Children, Youth & Families |
Village Exchange Center | $35,000 |
Well-Being of Children, Youth & Families |
Warren Village | $65,000 |
Well-Being of Children, Youth & Families |
We Fortify | $25,000 |
Well-Being of Children, Youth & Families |
Weaver Social Finance, LLC | $1,000,000 |
Community Development > Equitable Community Assets |
Wonderbound | $40,000 |
Arts & Culture |
The year 2021 was both a time of reflection, with a robust strategic planning process, and a year of action, as Gates staff worked to respond to the evolving impacts of the COVID pandemic, income inequality, and a growing affordable housing crisis in Colorado. Increasing drought, wildfires, and a transitioning energy economy are also bringing uncertainty to Colorado communities.
Over the course of the year, the Foundation developed a new five-year strategic plan. Staff conducted research and outreach to inform our strategic direction, and ultimately established two focus areas for advancing equitable community development:
The Foundation is also integrating diversity, equity, and inclusion practices into its operations and decision making to ensure that community development funding advances a more equitable and inclusive Colorado.
In 2021, the Gates Community Development program committed $530,000 in strategic grants to 13 organizations and $370,000 in responsive capital grants to eight organizations. There were five community development impact investments in 2021 totaling $2.15 million: IndieDwell ($250,000), Montbello Organizing Committee FreshLo Hub ($200,000), Telluride Foundation-Rural Homes for Sale for Locals ($200,000), First Southwest Community Fund ($500,000), Dearfield Fund for Black Wealth ($1,000,000)
Geographically, the Foundation looks for opportunities to invest in both rural and urban communities, including connection between rural and urban areas, such as support for the Rocky Mountain High Plains Food Chain Collaborative, which works with agricultural producers to promote regenerative practices, social justice, and climate change mitigation. Additional agriculture and food systems grants included statewide policy and procurement work by Nourish Colorado and a planning grant for a future grocery store and food hub under development by the Ute Mountain Ute Tribe.
In Metro Denver, Gates supported economic opportunity in the East Colfax neighborhood and in the surrounding communities of east Denver and west Aurora through support of Mile High Connects, the ACT 303 Coalition (which included Enterprise Community Partners, Mi Casa Resource Center, The Fax Partnership, and others). An investment in the former Johnson & Wales Campus by Urban Land Conservancy also included support to BuCu West and the Kitchen Network as it expands its commissary kitchen services to east Denver. A commitment to Montbello Organizing Committee is helping support the community-driven FreshLo Hub development providing access to healthy food and affordable housing in the Montbello neighborhood of northeast Denver.
In southwest Denver, the Foundation supported community-serving projects through capital and programmatic grants. Grantees included El Laboratorio and the River Sisters Partnership (working to advance parks in the region that lift up the importance of Colorado’s rivers and its Latino, Hispanic, and Chicano heritage, as well as the work of Lifespan Local to create a community-serving campus in Westwood.
Housing is becoming a greater focus for the Foundation as the strain to find affordable housing worsens across the state. Relevant grants in 2021 included Enterprise Community Partner’s statewide policy and implementation work, and Radian’s work to advance accessory dwelling units as a strategy to increase housing in Denver. In addition, an investment in the Rural Homes for Sale for Locals effort will support housing development underway for the communities of Nucla, Norwood, Ridgway, and Ouray in southwest Colorado.
As we look to the future, the Foundation is actively seeking ways to advance economic mobility, promote community wealth building strategies, increase housing access and affordability, and support the development of other community-serving assets. Please reach out with your ideas and insights!
Grantee | Amount Awarded | Type | Strategy | Area Served |
40 West Arts Inc. | $30,000 |
Arts & Culture |
Art Center of Western Colorado | $20,000 |
Arts & Culture |
Aurora Economic Opportunity Coalition | $20,000 |
Community Development > Access to Economic Opportunity |
Avesta Capital LLC | $50,000 |
Community Development > Access to Economic Opportunity |
Avesta Capital LLC | $100,000 |
Community Development > Access to Economic Opportunity |
Avesta Fund I | $1,000,000 |
Community Development > Access to Economic Opportunity > Natural Resources |
Belvidere Foundation | $25,000 |
Arts & Culture |
Bent County Historical Society | $20,000 |
Arts & Culture |
Boss Generation | $15,000 |
Community Development > Access to Economic Opportunity |
BuCu West | $50,000 |
Community Development > Food Systems & Agriculture |
BuCu West | $20,000 |
Community Development > Access to Economic Opportunity |
Buff Venture Fund | $1,000,000 |
Community Development |
Building a Better Colorado | $75,000 |
Capital Project Support > Civic Projects & Leadership |
Care and Share Food Bank for Southern Colorado | $40,000 |
Capital Project Support > Well-Being of Children, Youth & Families |
Community Resource Center | $25,000 |
Community Development > Civic Projects & Leadership |
Creede Repertory Theatre | $15,000 |
Arts & Culture |
Dearfield Fund for Black Wealth | $1,000,000 |
Community Development > Community Planning |
Denver Public Market | $50,000 |
Community Development > Food Systems & Agriculture |
El Laboratorio | $20,000 |
Community Development > Placemaking |
Englewood Depot, Inc. | $20,000 |
Arts & Culture |
Enterprise Community Partners Inc. | $80,000 |
Community Development > Equitable Community Assets |
Family Tree, Inc. | $15,000 |
Capital Project Support > Well-Being of Children, Youth & Families |
Fax Partnership (The) | $60,000 |
Community Development > Access to Economic Opportunity |
First Southwest Community Fund | $5,000 |
Community Development |
First Southwest Community Fund | $500,000 |
Community Development > Economic Mobility |
Focus Points Family Resource Center | $20,000 |
Community Development > Food Systems & Agriculture |
Food Bank of the Rockies | $40,000 |
Capital Project Support > Well-Being of Children, Youth & Families |
Friends of Raymer, Inc. | $15,000 |
Arts & Culture |
Full Circle of Lake County | $30,000 |
Capital Project Support > Well-Being of Children, Youth & Families |
Gunnison Arts Center | $25,000 |
Arts & Culture |
History Colorado | $20,000 |
Community Development > Community Planning |
Holyoke Community Childcare Initiative | $25,000 |
Capital Project Support > Well-Being of Children, Youth & Families |
indieDwell | $250,000 |
Community Development > Access to Economic Opportunity |
Jesus on Colfax Ministries | $20,000 |
Capital Project Support > Well-Being of Children, Youth & Families |
Kids First Health Care | $20,000 |
Capital Project Support > Well-Being of Children, Youth & Families |
Kids in Need of Dentistry | $15,000 |
Capital Project Support > Well-Being of Children, Youth & Families |
Kindred Kids Child Advocacy Center, Inc. | $35,000 |
Capital Project Support > Well-Being of Children, Youth & Families |
Laradon | $25,000 |
Capital Project Support > Well-Being of Children, Youth & Families |
Latino Leadership Institute | $50,000 |
Community Development > Access to Economic Opportunity |
Lifespan Local | $75,000 |
Community Development |
Loaves and Fishes Ministries of Fremont County | $20,000 |
Capital Project Support > Well-Being of Children, Youth & Families |
Manna The Durango Soup Kitchen | $25,000 |
Capital Project Support > Well-Being of Children, Youth & Families |
Montbello Organizing Committee | $200,000 |
Community Development > Access to Economic Opportunity |
Nourish CO | $35,000 |
Community Development > Food Systems & Agriculture |
PlatteForum | $10,000 |
Arts & Culture |
Posada | $30,000 |
Capital Project Support > Well-Being of Children, Youth & Families |
Pueblo City-County Library District | $20,000 |
Arts & Culture |
Radian | $10,000 |
Community Development > Access to Economic Opportunity |
Radian | $25,000 |
Community Development > Access to Economic Opportunity |
Rocky Mountain Farmers Union Educational and Charitable Foundation | $90,000 |
Community Development > Food Systems & Agriculture |
Savio House | $20,000 |
Capital Project Support > Well-Being of Children, Youth & Families |
Tabor Opera House Preservation Foundation | $50,000 |
Arts & Culture |
Telluride Foundation | $200,000 |
Community Development > Access to Economic Opportunity |
The Bike Hub | $20,000 |
Community Development > Multi-Modal Mobility |
Town of Hayden | $20,000 |
Capital Project Support > Well-Being of Children, Youth & Families |
Urban Land Conservancy | $150,000 |
Community Development |
Ute Mountain Ute Tribe | $15,000 |
Community Development > Food Systems & Agriculture |
Women’s Bean Project | $25,000 |
Capital Project Support > Well-Being of Children, Youth & Families |
During the past year, the Natural Resources team had the opportunity to spend a significant amount of time and energy reflecting on what was learned over the last five years implementing the Foundation’s 2016-21 strategic plan and looking forward to the next five years. In order to develop and shape a new strategic plan that reflects the realities of the moment and encompasses a wider array of views, staff conducted research, sought input from grantees, community leaders, and thought partners, and reflected on the lessons learned in pursuing the objectives and strategies identified in the previous plan.
Part of what we heard is that our ability to act as a strategic partner — coupling financial support with intellectual engagement and roll-up-the-sleeves determination — has resulted in catalytic efforts and built trust among an increasingly diverse set of allies. Progress against the ambitious objectives commonly held for Colorado’s natural resources requires a hunger for seeding and supporting innovation, an abiding passion for cooperative solutions, and a redoubled commitment to thoughtful leadership on behalf of future generations. Our team understands that in order to find solutions or make progress on complex issues, this work must be inclusive, innovative, and opportunistic.
In 2021 and beyond, relevance and results at scale demand the type of entrepreneurial and investment-based approaches that are a hallmark of Gates’ initiated programs, and climate change in particular presents an opportunity to lead. Our communities and economies depend upon a reliable snowpack and water supplies, healthy forests and watersheds, and the conservation of lands that protect and sustain wildlife, habitat, food production, and rural communities. After a year of planning, the Natural Resources program is committed to advancing ideas and solutions focused on: Balanced Water Management, Forest Health and Watershed Restoration, and Landscape Conservation. In addition, we are increasing our commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion in the sector.
The Natural Resources annual report letter in 2020 noted that year as the worst year for Colorado wildfires on record. At the time that letter was written, the Marshall Fire had yet to sweep through suburban neighborhoods in Boulder County. This fire quickly became the most destructive wildfire in Colorado’s history, destroying more than 1,000 homes and displacing more than 30,000 people. As increasing populations lead to an expanded wildland-urban interface and climate change continues to exacerbate the challenges associated with unhealthy forests, the Natural Resources’ Forest Health program is investing in large-scale collaborative efforts like the Rocky Mountain Restoration Initiative as well as tools and technology like Salo Sciences to address the ”new normal” of destructive wildfires in the West.
As river flows decrease and demand increases, Gates continues to deepen its commitment to solutions that advance conservation efforts, and management policies and practices that promote Balanced Water Management. A grant to the Sonoran Institute is helping advance key Colorado Water Plan implementation priorities while supporting community-based planning and prioritization.
In the face of a rapidly changing climate and both contracting and exploding communities in rural Colorado, the need for scaled Landscape Conservation is increasingly urgent. Acknowledging the significant gap that remains in the financial resources needed to achieve landscape-scale conservation solutions, Gates invested in the Trust for Public Land and its work in advancing conservation finance measures to address this gap and generate resources dedicated to addressing significant, long-term conservation goals.
Underlying the work of Gates Family Foundation and the Natural Resources program is a recognition that those most impacted by climate change are communities least represented in many of the organizations the Natural Resources program has supported. The strategic planning process provided an opportunity for intentional outreach, listening, and dialog regarding Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. That work has just begun. A grant to the Next 100 Colorado is a strategic step in supporting policies, leadership development, and community-based efforts that center equity in the conservation work of Colorado.
We welcome ongoing dialog and collaboration as the Gates Family Foundation continues to work alongside its partners to foster an inclusive and resilient Colorado.
Grantee | Amount Awarded | Type | Strategy | Area Served |
American Rivers, Inc. | $25,000 |
Natural Resources > Water |
Aspen Valley Land Trust | $25,000 |
Natural Resources > Landscape Conservation |
Avesta Fund I | $1,000,000 |
Community Development > Access to Economic Opportunity > Natural Resources |
Branson Reorganized School District RE-82 | $15,000 |
Capital Project Support > Parks & Recreation |
Colorado Cattlemen’s Agricultural Land Trust | $20,000 |
Natural Resources > Land Trust Capacity Building |
Colorado Future Farmers of America Foundation | $50,000 |
Natural Resources > Landscape Conservation |
Continental Divide Trail Coalition | $25,000 |
Natural Resources > Stewardship at Scale |
Denver Museum of Nature and Science | $105,000 |
Capital Project Support > Parks & Recreation |
Ember Infrastructure Management | $4,000,000 |
Natural Resources |
Encourage Capital – One State Investment Partners Fund | $500,000 |
Natural Resources > Water |
Higher Ground BMX | $10,000 |
Capital Project Support > Parks & Recreation |
Hinsdale County | $25,000 |
Capital Project Support > Parks & Recreation |
New Venture Fund | $25,000 |
Natural Resources > Water |
Next 100 Colorado | $105,000 |
Natural Resources > Stewardship at Scale |
Ouray Ice Park | $25,000 |
Capital Project Support > Parks & Recreation |
Palmer Land Conservancy | $500,000 |
Natural Resources > Landscape Conservation |
Salo Sciences | $100,000 |
Natural Resources > Stewardship at Scale |
San Luis Valley Great Outdoors | $30,000 |
Capital Project Support > Parks & Recreation |
Sand County Foundation, Inc. | $13,000 |
Natural Resources > Stewardship at Scale |
Sonoran Institute | $25,000 |
Natural Resources > Water |
The Nature Conservancy | $25,000 |
Natural Resources > Water |
Trust For Public Land | $250,000 |
Natural Resources > Landscape Conservation |
Water Education Colorado | $25,000 |
Natural Resources > Water |
In 2021, Gates Family Foundation embarked on a foundation-wide strategic planning process. The education team at Gates took an aligned but distinct approach that involved lots of listening to stakeholders, including school leaders, teachers, and students. We learned significant lessons during the pandemic, notably that education was undergoing a once-in-a-generation shift — and as funders, we need to think differently about how we do grantmaking. While our new strategic direction did not fully go into effect until 2022, our 2021 grants and initiated work began to reflect our evolving direction:
Gates Family Foundation’s K-12 education program continues to be driven by the vision that all children in Colorado have access to educational opportunities that support their long-term success. To advance this, in 2021 we focused our resources to seed innovation and support effective and diverse autonomous public school models; pursue system-level reforms that create the conditions necessary to sustain effective schools; support community-based programs in rural areas; develop more robust human capital pipelines across the state; and sustain media, advocacy, research, and engagement efforts that strengthen the education ecosystem.
In 2021, Gates’ education program paid out $2,227,000 in strategic grants to 29 organizations and $420,000 in responsive capital grants.
In response to national and local conversations and challenges around racial equity, the Gates education and communication staff initiated and organized a youth and teacher webinar with a focus on racial justice and mental health. Organizing partners included Chalkbeat, Colorado Youth Congress, Young Americans Aspiring for Social and Political Action (YAASPA), and the Colorado Education Initiative. The event was youth-led and Chalkbeat facilitated. Close to 100 people attended the webinar.
Gates’ close partner and grantee Lyra Colorado continued to advance Climatarium to rural communities throughout the state. Specifically, Gates gave a grant to River Science to expand its college and career credentialed hydrology pathway beyond Cañon City High School to all three school districts in the Fremont County Collaborative. Lyra and Gates staff also helped to launch a new regional collaborative with four Yampa Valley school districts to explore interest in collaborating to develop a climate change education pathway for students. And Lyra’s Environmental Science & Climate Institute (ESCI) engages students interested in environmental sciences and climate change through a coordinated, multidisciplinary approach. After successfully launching ESCI in 2020, Lyra found a strong partner in Fort Lewis College, which hosted the 2021 ESCI Summer Institute with 24 students from the five-district region.
Grantee | Amount Awarded | Type | Strategy | Area Served |
Academy 360 | $15,000 |
Capital Project Support > Education |
Bellwether Education Partners Inc. | $50,000 |
Education > Rural Community-Based Programs |
Chalkbeat | $100,000 |
Education > Conditions for Sustained Innovation |
Climb Higher Colorado | $40,000 |
Education > Systems Reform |
Colorado Education Organizing Funder Collaborative (CEO) | $60,000 |
Education > Advocacy |
Colorado League of Charter Schools | $40,000 |
Education > Autonomous Public Schools |
Colorado Mountain College Foundation | $120,000 |
Education > Conditions for Sustained Innovation |
Colorado State University | $40,000 |
Capital Project Support > Education |
Colorado Succeeds | $40,000 |
Education > Advocacy |
Colorado Youth Congress | $40,000 |
Education > Advocacy |
Convivir Colorado | $25,000 |
Education > Advocacy |
Cripple Creek-Victor School District RE-1 | $40,000 |
Capital Project Support > Education |
DSST Public Schools | $150,000 |
Education > Autonomous Public Schools |
Early Connections Learning Centers | $25,000 |
Capital Project Support > Education |
Edgewater Collective | $60,000 |
Education > Advocacy |
Education Reform Now | $60,000 |
Education > Advocacy |
Fremont RE-2 School District | $100,000 |
Education > Systems Reform |
Generation Schools | $100,000 |
Education > Systems Reform |
Harvard University, John F. Kennedy School of Government | $343,500 |
Capital Project Support > Education |
Kwiyagat Community Academy | $250,000 |
Education > Autonomous Public Schools |
Learning Council (The) | $20,000 |
Capital Project Support > Education |
Lyra Colorado | $315,000 |
Education > Systems Reform |
Mercy Housing Mountain Plains | $25,000 |
Capital Project Support > Education |
Moonshot edVentures | $60,000 |
Education > Human Capital |
National Council on Teacher Quality | $25,000 |
Education > Human Capital |
River Science | $75,000 |
Education > Rural Community-Based Programs |
Stead School (The) | $20,000 |
Capital Project Support > Education |
Teach For America | $25,000 |
Education > Human Capital |
University of Denver | $120,000 |
Education > School System Innovation |
Valley Settlement | $40,000 |
Education > Advocacy |
Wild Bear Nature Center | $25,000 |
Capital Project Support > Education |
Youthroots | $25,000 |
Education > Advocacy |
The year of 2020 was a devastating time for Colorado communities. The impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on health and the economy created uncertainty and loss across the state. Unemployment rates rose sharply, food insecurity and housing instability increased, and many small businesses shuttered or struggled to find ways to operate in a changed world. Local governments and nonprofits worked to meet the basic needs of their communities with less revenue and while working to protect staff in a time of uncertainty.
COVID-19 also exacerbated and revealed existing community disparities and structural inequity. Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) have been harder hit by both the virus and the economic impacts from it. Concurrently, repeated incidents of police brutality against BIPOC have led to a broader discourse about systemic racial injustice in America, including access to capital, housing, jobs, education, transit, parks, public space, and many other components of community development. In 2020, Gates’ Community Development program shifted staff time and resources toward COVID response with a focus on equity, including identification and support of organizations addressing food insecurity, housing insecurity, and support to small businesses left out of federal response programs.
In addition to COVID response grants, the Gates Community Development program committed $495,000 in strategic grants to eight organizations in 2020, and $1,335,000 in responsive capital grants to 12 organizations. In 2020, the Foundation approved two (non-COVID) community development impact investments, including a deposit in Native American Bank (fixed income, $240,000), and the Metro Denver Impact Facility (debt, $1.25M).
Access to Economic Opportunity was the most robust strategy area in 2020, and the Foundation continues to advance community wealth building strategies, such as the Rocky Mountain Employee Ownership Center to advance co-op conversions around Colorado; Mi Casa Resource Center and the ACT303 effort to support small businesses and community planning in East Colfax; and the NPX effort to catalyze economic mobility through large investments in select nonprofits.
Within the Informed Communities program area, Gates staff continued to support the Colorado Media Project as a multi-funder, community-led initiative to strengthen and transform Colorado’s local journalism ecosystem. CMP priorities in 2020 included working with partners to launch the Colorado News Collaborative, which in June hired veteran journalist Laura Frank as its first executive director; developing and awarding a pool of funds to ensure diverse and multi-lingual communities have access vital COVID news and information; and convening journalists and community members for frank conversations on journalism’s role in systemic racism. CMP also supported 25 Colorado newsrooms with $5,000 challenge grants for the year-end #newsCOneeds campaign, which resulted in more than $580,000 raised for the cohort in the month of December. Apart from CMP, program officers from all of Gates’ focus areas continued to provide direct grants to newsrooms covering important issues, including Chalkbeat Colorado, Colorado Public Radio, High Country News, and Rocky Mountain PBS. Gates also made an impact investment in The Colorado Sun, bolstering its ability to scale as a member-supported statewide newsroom.
Additional grantee highlights include:
MILE HIGH CONNECTS: In 2020, Gates re-committed support to the Mile High Connects collaborative table. MHC was quick to respond to COVID and launched a mini-grants program and additional supports. MHC has been participating as a selected site in the national Strong Prosperous and Resilient Communities Challenge, bringing national funding and capital pipelines for equitable development to the metro area. MHC member and previous GFF grantee Enterprise Community Partners worked on eviction prevention and COVID-related housing policy and received support in 2020 through Gates’ COVID Response Fund.
SAN LUIS VALLEY LOCAL FOODS COALITION: The SLVLFC is a long-time Gates grantee and partner, and a 2020 grant to the organization helped the organization continue the Valley Roots Food Hub and serve as a key player in regional and statewide food system efforts. Through the Gates’ COVID Response Fund, the Foundation also supported the Colorado Farm and Food Systems Respond and Rebuild Fund, which launched in April 2020 with philanthropic support, and was awarded an additional $1 million from the Colorado Department of Agriculture to expand the work.
COMMUNITY BUILDERS: In 2020, Gates also recommitted support to long-time partner Community Builders to guide planning processes that advance economic opportunity and smart growth in Colorado towns and communities.
Grantee | Amount Awarded | Type | Strategy | Area Served |
Alamosa School District | $5,000 |
COVID-19 Response > Well-Being of Children, Youth & Families |
Archuleta School District #50 Jt. | $3,500 |
COVID-19 Response > Well-Being of Children, Youth & Families |
Artspace Projects, Inc. | $75,000 |
Community Development > Access to Economic Opportunity |
Bethel Community Center | $20,000 |
Capital Project Support > Well-Being of Children, Youth & Families |
Big Green (The) | $20,000 |
Community Development > Food Systems & Agriculture |
Black Canyon Boys & Girls Club | $35,000 |
Capital Project Support > Well-Being of Children, Youth & Families |
Boys and Girls Clubs of Chaffee County | $35,000 |
Capital Project Support > Well-Being of Children, Youth & Families |
Bright Future Foundation for Eagle County | $20,000 |
Capital Project Support > Well-Being of Children, Youth & Families |
Canon City School District | $5,000 |
COVID-19 Response > Well-Being of Children, Youth & Families |
Care and Share Food Bank for Southern Colorado | $25,000 |
COVID-19 Response > Well-Being of Children, Youth & Families |
CASA of the Seventh Judicial District, Inc. | $30,000 |
Capital Project Support > Well-Being of Children, Youth & Families |
Center for African American Health | $10,000 |
COVID-19 Response > Well-Being of Children, Youth & Families |
Center for People with Disabilities | $20,000 |
Capital Project Support > Well-Being of Children, Youth & Families |
Chinook Fund – Another World is Possible Fund | $20,000 |
COVID-19 Response > Well-Being of Children, Youth & Families |
Clear Creek County | $40,000 |
Capital Project Support > Well-Being of Children, Youth & Families |
Colorado Blueprint to End Hunger | $40,000 |
COVID-19 Response > Well-Being of Children, Youth & Families |
Colorado Coalition for the Homeless | $50,000 |
COVID-19 Response > Well-Being of Children, Youth & Families |
Colorado Hospital Association – Colorado Hospitals for a Healthy Environment | $40,000 |
COVID-19 Response > Well-Being of Children, Youth & Families |
Community Builders | $160,000 |
Community Development > Community Planning |
Community Food Bank | $30,000 |
Capital Project Support > Well-Being of Children, Youth & Families |
Compañeros | $10,000 |
COVID-19 Response > Well-Being of Children, Youth & Families |
Cotopaxi School District RE-3 | $2,000 |
COVID-19 Response > Well-Being of Children, Youth & Families |
Denver Food Rescue | $15,000 |
COVID-19 Response > Well-Being of Children, Youth & Families |
Denver Foundation – Black Resilience in Colorado Fund | $70,000 |
COVID-19 Response > Well-Being of Children, Youth & Families |
Denver Museum of Miniatures, Dolls and Toys | $10,000 |
Capital Project Support > Arts & Culture |
Denver Public Library | $150,000 |
Capital Project Support > Arts & Culture |
Denver Santa Claus Shop, Inc. | $15,000 |
Capital Project Support > Well-Being of Children, Youth & Families |
Denver Urban Gardens | $15,000 |
Community Development > Food Systems & Agriculture |
El Alba LLC | $55,000 |
Community Development > Access to Economic Opportunity |
El Laboratorio | $25,000 |
Community Development > Placemaking |
EUREKA! McConnell Science Museum | $25,000 |
Capital Project Support > Arts & Culture |
Food Bank of the Rockies | $25,000 |
COVID-19 Response > Well-Being of Children, Youth & Families |
Fox Theatre Walsenburg | $50,000 |
Capital Project Support > Arts & Culture |
Fremont RE-2 School District | $2,500 |
COVID-19 Response > Well-Being of Children, Youth & Families |
Friends of the La Veta Library, Inc. | $25,000 |
Capital Project Support > Arts & Culture |
Fund for a Healthier Colorado (The) | $20,000 |
Capital Project Support > Well-Being of Children, Youth & Families |
Goodwill of Colorado | $45,000 |
Capital Project Support > Well-Being of Children, Youth & Families |
Impact Charitable | $20,000 |
COVID-19 Response > Well-Being of Children, Youth & Families |
Inner City Health Center | $25,000 |
Capital Project Support > Well-Being of Children, Youth & Families |
Judi’s House | $50,000 |
Capital Project Support > Well-Being of Children, Youth & Families |
Karis Inc. | $20,000 |
Capital Project Support > Well-Being of Children, Youth & Families |
Keystone Policy Center | $40,000 |
COVID-19 Response > Well-Being of Children, Youth & Families |
La Puente Home | $22,000 |
COVID-19 Response > Well-Being of Children, Youth & Families |
Lake County School District R-1 | $3,000 |
COVID-19 Response > Well-Being of Children, Youth & Families |
Latino Community Foundation of Colorado | $25,000 |
Capital Project Support > Well-Being of Children, Youth & Families > COVID-19 Response |
Mi Casa Resource Center | $30,000 |
Community Development > Access to Economic Opportunity |
Mile High Connects | $150,000 |
Community Development > Access to Economic Opportunity |
Mile High United Way | $275,000 |
COVID-19 Response > Well-Being of Children, Youth & Families |
Montbello Organizing Committee | $150,000 |
Community Development > Placemaking |
Museum of Friends | $25,000 |
Capital Project Support > Arts & Culture |
NewFarms | $35,000 |
Community Development > Food Systems & Agriculture |
NPX Charitable Inc. | $25,000 |
Community Development > Access to Economic Opportunity |
Philanthropy Colorado | $10,000 |
COVID-19 Response > Well-Being of Children, Youth & Families |
Pine River Shares | $5,000 |
COVID-19 Response > Well-Being of Children, Youth & Families |
Project Worthmore | $20,000 |
Capital Project Support > Well-Being of Children, Youth & Families |
Re:Vision | $5,000 |
COVID-19 Response > Well-Being of Children, Youth & Families |
RiNo Gives Back | $35,000 |
Community Development > Placemaking |
Rio Grande Headwaters Land Trust | $10,000 |
COVID-19 Response > Well-Being of Children, Youth & Families |
RISE Colorado | $8,000 |
COVID-19 Response > Well-Being of Children, Youth & Families |
RISE Colorado | $10,000 |
COVID-19 Response > Well-Being of Children, Youth & Families |
River Bridge Regional Center | $10,000 |
Capital Project Support > Well-Being of Children, Youth & Families |
Rocky Mountain Employee Ownership Center | $50,000 |
Community Development > Access to Economic Opportunity |
Roundup River Ranch | $250,000 |
Capital Project Support > Well-Being of Children, Youth & Families |
Routt County United Way | $20,000 |
Capital Project Support > Well-Being of Children, Youth & Families |
Safehouse Progressive Alliance for Nonviolence | $20,000 |
Capital Project Support > Well-Being of Children, Youth & Families |
San Luis Valley Local Foods Coalition | $40,000 |
Community Development > Food Systems & Agriculture |
SARA House | $10,000 |
Capital Project Support > Well-Being of Children, Youth & Families |
Sedgwick County | $30,000 |
Community Development > Placemaking |
Silverton School District | $1,500 |
COVID-19 Response > Well-Being of Children, Youth & Families |
Solar Energy International | $15,000 |
Community Development > Access to Economic Opportunity |
South Central Council of Governments | $15,000 |
Capital Project Support > Well-Being of Children, Youth & Families |
South Park Historical Foundation | $10,000 |
Capital Project Support > Arts & Culture |
Springboard Child Care | $20,000 |
Capital Project Support > Well-Being of Children, Youth & Families |
St. George’s Episcopal Church | $50,000 |
Capital Project Support > Well-Being of Children, Youth & Families |
Stepping Stones of the Roaring Fork Valley, Inc. | $20,000 |
Capital Project Support > Well-Being of Children, Youth & Families |
Sun Valley Community Center | $2,500 |
COVID-19 Response > Well-Being of Children, Youth & Families |
The Delores Project | $5,000 |
COVID-19 Response > Well-Being of Children, Youth & Families |
The GrowHaus | $5,000 |
COVID-19 Response > Well-Being of Children, Youth & Families |
The Powerhouse | $7,500 |
COVID-19 Response > Well-Being of Children, Youth & Families |
Town of Bristol Improvements Board | $10,000 |
Capital Project Support > Well-Being of Children, Youth & Families |
Urban Peak | $15,000 |
COVID-19 Response > Well-Being of Children, Youth & Families |
Village Exchange Center | $20,000 |
Community Development > Food Systems & Agriculture |
YWCA of Boulder County | $25,000 |
Capital Project Support > Well-Being of Children, Youth & Families |
The mission of Gates Family Foundation’s K-12 education program is to ensure that all children in Colorado have access to education opportunities that support their long-term success. To advance this mission, we focus our resources to seed innovation and support effective and diverse autonomous public school models; pursue system-level reforms that create the conditions necessary to sustain effective schools; support community-based programs in rural areas; develop more robust human capital pipelines across the state; and sustain media, advocacy, research, and engagement efforts that strengthen the education ecosystem.
In 2020, Gates’ education program awarded $1,185,000 in strategic grants to 15 organizations and $525,000 in responsive capital grants to 12 organizations. This past year was characterized by unprecedented disruptions to student learning. The education program adapted grantmaking and approaches to respond quickly and flexibly to the changing realities of K-12 education in Colorado.
COVID Response
In the weeks after the March COVID-19 shutdowns, Gates staff gathered information from district partners on food distribution activities and needs. The Foundation rapidly deployed $22,500 in food security grants to key district partners.
Gates, Lyra Colorado, and a coalition of partners (RESCHOOL Colorado, Empower Schools, Donnell-Kay Foundation, Colorado Succeeds, RootED Denver, and Daniels Fund) launched the Education Innovation Fund – a K-12 initiative to support nimble and creative responses to meet students needs in the wake of COVID-19. The fund awarded 34 promising projects $320,000 in grants. Gates and partners captured lessons learned from the effort through video, virtual convenings, and surveys.
Gates worked with the Governor’s Office and Gary Community Ventures to launch the Response, Innovation, and Student Equity (RISE) Planning and Design Support (PDS) fund. This initiative supported 15 prospective applicants to the Governor’s RISE fund with resources and design support to develop impactful applications and strong implementation plans. The RISE PDS Fund prioritized support to rural applicants serving diverse student populations. Eight of the 15 PDS-funded projects were ultimately selected to receive significant grants from the RISE fund.
Gates staff also provided support to the Governor’s Office and the RISE Selection Committee with analysis, tools, and facilitation throughout the RISE review process. In total, the RISE fund awarded $41 million to 22 innovative efforts across the state.
Southwest Environment and Climate Institute
Lyra Colorado and Gates continue to partner on education projects statewide. Gates is a supporter of Lyra both through financial and staff time support. Gates and Lyra partnered with six southwest Colorado school districts and Fort Lewis College to launch the Colorado Environment and Climate Institute (ECI), a program that supports students with unique and shared climate change-focused curriculum, project-based learning, and career exploration. In August of 2020, students from all participating districts convened in Durango for a three-day kick-off Summer Institute. Gatherings were held outdoors, and the event strictly adhered to all public health guidelines. Students, teachers, and administrators who participated in the Institute left feeling energized about ECI and the year ahead.
Efforts to elevate student voice
There were several Gates-led efforts to include students in decision making.
Gates staff co-hosted a webinar with Chalkbeat Colorado and the Colorado Education Initiative to elevate student voices during the pandemic. Ten students from across the state shared their experiences of COVID-19 related impacts on school and home life, opinions and recommendations on remote learning, and their engagement with current events, including the racial justice movement. More than 170 parents, teachers, and community leaders logged in to hear from the panel.
In partnership with YouthRoots, Gates created a remote Philanthropy Fellowship for youth 18-24 who are interested in learning more about the work of foundations and nonprofits. Eleven foundations signed up to host two fellows each for the fall of 2021. The Growing Insight and Voice (GIV) Fellowship will provide opportunities for youth to discover and explore potential careers in the philanthropic and nonprofit fields; improve the ability of the philanthropic sector to meet community needs by including youth voice, expertise, and wisdom in foundation strategies; and develop a pipeline for youth from communities underrepresented in philanthropy to enter the field.
Gates worked in partnership with Lyra to recruit, train, and support youth advisors to inform all stages of planning, curriculum, and development for the Colorado Environmental Science and Climate Institute and to support grant review for the Governor’s RISE Fund.
Since 2018, Gates staff have investigated a number of edtech funds. Investments in 2020 include Reach Capital and Owl Ventures.
Reach Capital invests in people and solutions that broaden access to quality education. Edtech products in Reach’s portfolio are grounded in strong pedagogy, research-driven, and support students with limited educational opportunities due to their socioeconomic status, race and ethnicity, and geography.
Owl Ventures is at the forefront of the education technology wave and is recognized as the leader in the sector. As barriers that once impeded technological innovation in K-12 classrooms are rapidly removed, the opportunity grows to support transformative edtech companies that reshape learning and increase access for all students.
In addition to grantmaking, the Gates education team also worked closely with strategic partners on some existing and some exciting new initiatives in 2020:
Colorado Education Organizing Funder Collaborative (CEO) – Gates staff has participated in this collaborative for six years, committing funding and staff time to support CEO’s mission to reduce the achievement and opportunity gaps for low-income public school students of color in the Denver metro area. CEO harnesses support for community organizing that educates, builds leadership among, and engages low-income parents and young people to advocate for effective education reform solutions. Over the years, CEO has increased collaborative efforts among grantees, has developed and implemented grantee self-assessment surveys of organizational strength and core organizing competencies, has provided responsive technical assistance to grantees based on survey results and shared learning, and has enhanced grantee operational and organizing capacity. Over the past six years Gates’ commitment of $375,000 to support the collaborative effort was joined by $1,744,000 in commitments from other foundations.
In 2020, Gates and Lyra Colorado staff initiated a meeting with multiple partners, including school districts in Fremont County (Cañon City Schools RE-1, Fremont School District RE-2, and Cotopaxi School District RE-3) and Pueblo Community College. These participants went on to form a multi-district collaborative, The Fremont Multidistrict Initiative, to reinvent how a region can cooperatively utilize resources and sustainably provide an outstanding educational experience for rural students by expanding opportunities and offering access to robust college and career pathways, regardless of the district they attend. To accomplish this work, the initiative established a steering committee composed of the superintendents from each district, as well as the dean of the Fremont campus of Pueblo Community College. Two of Gates’ grantees, Empower Schools and Trendlines, supported the initiative.
Through all of this work, the education team at Gates strives to be thoughtful partners and to listen to all participants in the education community, in order to make progress in advancing educational equity and access to opportunity for all students in Colorado. We are grateful to all of the organizations and communities with whom we have been honored to partner with over the course of this most extraordinary year.
Grantee | Amount Awarded | Type | Strategy | Area Served |
5280 High School | $40,000 |
Education > Autonomous Public Schools |
A+ Colorado | $60,000 |
Education > Advocacy |
Academy of Advanced Learning | $30,000 |
Education > Autonomous Public Schools |
BookTrails Inc. | $10,000 |
Capital Project Support > Education |
Chalkbeat | $75,000 |
Education > Advocacy > Informed Communities > Addressing Civic News Gaps |
Clayton Early Learning | $125,000 |
Capital Project Support > Education |
Colorado Charter Facility Solutions | $100,000 |
Education > Autonomous Public Schools |
Colorado Education Organizing Funder Collaborative (CEO) | $60,000 |
Education > Advocacy |
Colorado League of Charter Schools | $30,000 |
Education > Autonomous Public Schools |
Colorado Succeeds | $60,000 |
Education > Innovation & Incubation |
Colorado Youth Congress | $50,000 |
Education > Advocacy |
Education Reform Now | $60,000 |
Education > Advocacy |
Empower Community High School | $25,000 |
Education > Autonomous Public Schools |
Firefly Autism | $40,000 |
Capital Project Support > Education |
Hart Center for Public Service | $30,000 |
Capital Project Support > Education |
HOPE Center | $10,000 |
Capital Project Support > Education |
Keystone Policy Center | $25,000 |
Education > Human Capital |
Lighthouse Writers Workshop Inc. | $60,000 |
Capital Project Support > Education |
National Council on Teacher Quality | $25,000 |
Education > Human Capital |
National Wildlife Federation | $120,000 |
Capital Project Support > Education |
Owl Ventures | $3,000,000 |
Education |
Oxford Teachers Academy | $50,000 |
Education > Human Capital |
Reach Capital III | $3,000,000 |
Education |
RootED | $400,000 |
Education > Human Capital |
Seasons Schoolhouse Inc. | $15,000 |
Capital Project Support > Education |
Valley Settlement | $40,000 |
Education > Rural Community-Based Programs |
YMCA of Northern Colorado | $20,000 |
Capital Project Support > Education |
Throughout 2020, Gates Family Foundation staff and board members worked alongside the state’s nonprofit, foundation, government, and education leaders to leverage all of the Foundation’s resources in response to the evolving COVID crisis.
In the stories below, you can read about Gates’ responsive grantmaking, impact investments, and funding partnerships developed in 2020 to support Colorado communities’ response to the COVID pandemic:
Gates Commits $250,000 to Statewide COVID-19 Response Fund (March 26)
Gates Announces Additional $610,000 in COVID-19 Rapid Response Grants (April 17)
Gates Commits and Leverages $14.8 Million to Support Small Businesses Impacted by COVID-19 (May 13)
Ten Trusted Community News Sources Awarded COVID-19 Informed Communities Grants (May 25)
34 Innovative Projects Receive Total of $335,000 from COVID-19 Education Fund (Sept. 1)
Gates Announces Third Round of 2020 COVID Response Grants (Sept. 18)
15 Teams Selected to Receive Planning and Design Support to Apply for RISE Education Fund (Oct. 29)
25 Colorado Newsrooms Selected for Matching Grants to Raise a Quarter-Million for Local Journalism (Nov. 6)
More than $300K Total Awarded to 34 Rural Theaters via Public-Private COVID Support Initiative (Jan. 6, 2021)
Gates Salutes 32 RISE Fund Grantees Sharing Over $40 Million to Innovate and Transform Public Education (Jan. 25, 2021)
Grantee | Amount Awarded | Type | Strategy | Area Served |
Alamosa School District | $5,000 |
COVID-19 Response > Well-Being of Children, Youth & Families |
Archuleta School District #50 Jt. | $3,500 |
COVID-19 Response > Well-Being of Children, Youth & Families |
Canon City School District | $5,000 |
COVID-19 Response > Well-Being of Children, Youth & Families |
Care and Share Food Bank for Southern Colorado | $25,000 |
COVID-19 Response > Well-Being of Children, Youth & Families |
Center for African American Health | $10,000 |
COVID-19 Response > Well-Being of Children, Youth & Families |
Center for Community Wealth Building | $25,000 |
COVID-19 Response > Access to Economic Opportunity |
Chinook Fund – Another World is Possible Fund | $20,000 |
COVID-19 Response > Well-Being of Children, Youth & Families |
Colorado Blueprint to End Hunger | $40,000 |
COVID-19 Response > Well-Being of Children, Youth & Families |
Colorado Coalition for the Homeless | $50,000 |
COVID-19 Response > Well-Being of Children, Youth & Families |
Colorado Enterprise Fund – FirstBank PPP Credit Facility | $6,250,000 |
COVID-19 Response > Access to Economic Opportunity |
Colorado Hospital Association – Colorado Hospitals for a Healthy Environment | $40,000 |
COVID-19 Response > Well-Being of Children, Youth & Families |
Colorado Housing and Finance Authority – Energize Colorado Gap Fund | $100,000 |
COVID-19 Response > Access to Economic Opportunity |
Colorado Housing and Finance Authority – Energize Colorado Gap Fund | $1,000,000 |
COVID-19 Response > Access to Economic Opportunity |
Colorado Lending Source – Character Based Small Business Lending Fund | $250,000 |
COVID-19 Response > Access to Economic Opportunity |
Colorado Lending Source – Character Based Small Business Lending Fund | $25,000 |
COVID-19 Response > Access to Economic Opportunity |
Colorado Lending Source – FirstBank PPP Credit Facility | $4,666,500 |
COVID-19 Response > Access to Economic Opportunity |
Colorado Office of Economic Development and International Trade | $50,000 |
COVID-19 Response > Arts & Culture |
Colorado Succeeds | $10,000 |
COVID-19 Response > Access to Economic Opportunity |
Compañeros | $10,000 |
COVID-19 Response > Well-Being of Children, Youth & Families |
Cotopaxi School District RE-3 | $2,000 |
COVID-19 Response > Well-Being of Children, Youth & Families |
Denver Food Rescue | $15,000 |
COVID-19 Response > Well-Being of Children, Youth & Families |
Denver Foundation – Arts and Culture Relief Fund | $100,000 |
COVID-19 Response > Arts & Culture |
Denver Foundation – Black Resilience in Colorado Fund | $70,000 |
COVID-19 Response > Well-Being of Children, Youth & Families |
DreamSpring | $50,000 |
COVID-19 Response > Access to Economic Opportunity |
Enterprise Community Partners Inc. | $40,000 |
COVID-19 Response > Access to Economic Opportunity |
Family Resource Center Association Inc. | $45,000 |
COVID-19 Response > Access to Economic Opportunity |
First Southwest Community Fund | $50,000 |
COVID-19 Response > Access to Economic Opportunity |
First Southwest Community Fund | $500,000 |
COVID-19 Response > Access to Economic Opportunity |
Food Bank of the Rockies | $25,000 |
COVID-19 Response > Well-Being of Children, Youth & Families |
Fremont RE-2 School District | $2,500 |
COVID-19 Response > Well-Being of Children, Youth & Families |
Impact Charitable | $20,000 |
COVID-19 Response > Well-Being of Children, Youth & Families |
Keep it Colorado | $50,000 |
COVID-19 Response > Land Trust Capacity Building |
Keystone Policy Center | $40,000 |
COVID-19 Response > Well-Being of Children, Youth & Families |
La Puente Home | $22,000 |
COVID-19 Response > Well-Being of Children, Youth & Families |
Lake County School District R-1 | $3,000 |
COVID-19 Response > Well-Being of Children, Youth & Families |
Latino Community Foundation of Colorado | $25,000 |
Capital Project Support > Well-Being of Children, Youth & Families > COVID-19 Response |
LiveWell Colorado – Colorado Farmer and Food System Fund | $10,000 |
COVID-19 Response > Food Systems & Agriculture |
Lyra Colorado | $27,500 |
COVID-19 Response > Education |
Lyra Colorado | $25,000 |
COVID-19 Response > Education |
Lyra Colorado | $125,000 |
COVID-19 Response > Education |
Main Street Phoenix Project | $50,000 |
COVID-19 Response > Access to Economic Opportunity |
Mile High United Way | $275,000 |
COVID-19 Response > Well-Being of Children, Youth & Families |
NPX Charitable Inc. | $75,000 |
COVID-19 Response > Access to Economic Opportunity |
Philanthropy Colorado | $10,000 |
COVID-19 Response > Well-Being of Children, Youth & Families |
Pine River Shares | $5,000 |
COVID-19 Response > Well-Being of Children, Youth & Families |
Re:Vision | $5,000 |
COVID-19 Response > Well-Being of Children, Youth & Families |
Rio Grande Headwaters Land Trust | $10,000 |
COVID-19 Response > Well-Being of Children, Youth & Families |
RISE Colorado | $10,000 |
COVID-19 Response > Well-Being of Children, Youth & Families |
RISE Colorado | $8,000 |
COVID-19 Response > Well-Being of Children, Youth & Families |
Rocky Mountain Microfinance Institute | $50,000 |
COVID-19 Response > Access to Economic Opportunity |
Silverton School District | $1,500 |
COVID-19 Response > Well-Being of Children, Youth & Families |
Sistahbiz | $25,000 |
COVID-19 Response > Access to Economic Opportunity |
Sun Valley Community Center | $2,500 |
COVID-19 Response > Well-Being of Children, Youth & Families |
The Colorado Education Initiative | $50,000 |
COVID-19 Response > Education |
The Delores Project | $5,000 |
COVID-19 Response > Well-Being of Children, Youth & Families |
The GrowHaus | $5,000 |
COVID-19 Response > Well-Being of Children, Youth & Families |
The Powerhouse | $7,500 |
COVID-19 Response > Well-Being of Children, Youth & Families |
Trailhead Institute – Colorado Farmer and Food System Fund | $70,000 |
COVID-19 Response > Food Systems & Agriculture |
University of Colorado Anschutz | $30,000 |
COVID-19 Response > Informed Communities > Addressing Civic News Gaps |
Urban Peak | $15,000 |
COVID-19 Response > Well-Being of Children, Youth & Families |
Daring to look back, the unprecedented challenges of 2020 have profoundly impacted life locally and globally. Beyond the COVID-19 pandemic, the previous year in Colorado brought into sharper focus some of the themes about which Gates’ Natural Resources program staff have been exploring and learning.
A forest health crisis that began building nearly 20 years ago intersected with a rapidly intensifying climate crisis and, in 2020, materialized into the worst year for Colorado wildfires on record. In a single season, more than 665,000 acres burned at a cost of more than $266 million for suppression alone. A total of 1,152 homes were destroyed; two lives were lost. The conditions that led to these catastrophic fires persist, and landscape-scale solutions to forest management are urgently needed to create greater resilience for people and nature.
The state’s water supply and demand gap – the difference between how much water is provided by snowpack and how much water is needed for consumptive uses – is worsening. Today, that gap poses perhaps an even greater threat to Colorado’s economy and ways of life than ever before. The winter snowpack of 2020-2021 did little to provide relief to Colorado’s watersheds, as evidenced by almost non-existent spring runoff. With no relief in sight, Colorado must provide leadership for the hard work necessary to invest in resilience and adapt to this “new normal.”
A slowly-building crisis of relevance is also evident in Colorado’s conservation field. Values of diversity, equity, and inclusion aren’t reflected often enough in the management of natural resources, the protection of landscapes, or in the voices advocating for the same at every level. Efforts to make conservation more inclusive and diverse will take time; this is a Gates Family Foundation priority now and into the future.
Other program priorities of Gates’ Natural Resources remain critically important:
Agricultural land is still being converted by residential and industrial development at an alarming rate, as an aging cohort of farmers and ranchers face increasingly challenging social and economic pressures.
Critical wildlife populations and habitats are at even greater risk from an expanded set of perils that includes a changing climate, loss of agricultural stewardship, and management mandates by popular vote.
Recreational use patterns and intensity have spiked throughout Colorado, as pandemic-weary residents seek refuge and release in the outdoors – creating more challenges for budget-starved public land managers.
We are responding to these challenges. The issues described above have directly informed our efforts to develop the Foundation’s next five-year strategic plan, the process for which began in 2020 and will continue through the end of 2021. We look forward to sharing this new strategy with partners and grantees, including the many new relationships that will be required to make progress. We know that we must double down on listening, bringing diverse stakeholders together, and finding common ground.
Supporting the conservation of Colorado’s natural resources is a unique privilege, and it is a role that our staff and board carry out with honor and humility. Our work is only as strong as our grantees and funding partners. Thank you for the opportunity.
Grantee | Amount Awarded | Type | Strategy | Area Served |
Colorado Forum Fund | $13,500 |
Natural Resources > Stewardship at Scale |
Colorado State Conservation Board | $125,000 |
Natural Resources > Stewardship at Scale |
Colorado State University | $150,000 |
Natural Resources > Stewardship at Scale |
Crested Butte Land Trust | $100,000 |
Natural Resources > Landscape Conservation |
Friends of Ski-Hi Park | $80,000 |
Capital Project Support > Parks & Recreation |
Gunnison County | $50,000 |
Capital Project Support > Parks & Recreation |
High Line Canal Conservancy | $700,000 |
Capital Project Support > Parks & Recreation |
Montezuma Land Conservancy | $158,000 |
Natural Resources > Land Trust Capacity Building |
Mountain Studies Institute | $27,500 |
Natural Resources > Ecosystem Services |
National Fish and Wildlife Foundation | $225,000 |
Natural Resources > Stewardship at Scale |
Quivira Coalition | $50,000 |
Natural Resources > Landscape Conservation |
Town of Hot Sulphur Springs | $25,000 |
Natural Resources > Landscape Conservation |
Town of San Luis | $25,000 |
Capital Project Support > Parks & Recreation |
Trout Unlimited/Colorado Council | $250,000 |
Natural Resources > Water |
Western Slope Conservation Center | $25,000 |
Capital Project Support > Parks & Recreation |
Wildlands Restoration Volunteers | $25,000 |
Natural Resources > Stewardship at Scale |
The mission of Gates Family Foundation’s K-12 education program is to ensure that all children in Colorado have access to education opportunities that support their long-term success.
To advance this mission, we focus our resources to seed innovation and support effective and diverse autonomous public school models; pursue system-level reforms that create the conditions necessary to sustain effective schools; support community-based programs in rural areas; develop more robust human capital pipelines across the state; and sustain media, advocacy, research, and engagement efforts that strengthen the education ecosystem.
In 2019, the education program awarded $2,745,750 in strategic grants to 23 organizations and $214,765 in responsive capital grants to seven organizations. These commitments are detailed in the list below, and we’d like to spotlight just a few of the organizations that are changing lives:
RISE Colorado is training principals and school leaders and increasing their knowledge and capacity regarding best practices relating to family engagement, educational equity, systemic racism, and how power and privilege impacts education and school systems.
Keystone Policy Center is working with Ute Mountain Ute tribal leaders to design a new tribal school to be located on the reservation. Financial and technical support from Gates has helped the tribe-led team explore the concept and feasibility of such a school, and then define the pathway to execution and operation.
Climb Higher Colorado is providing a fellowship for education leaders to gain skills, develop a network, and construct and implement strategies necessary to address systemic educational challenges facing students and families.
Colorado Future Farmers is providing professional development and mentoring to agriculture teachers across Colorado in an effort to increase embedded support and retention.
National Black Child Development Institute launched The Denver Journal of Education and Community, a community-based academic journal and multi-media platform that aims to build awareness of community perspectives of Pre-K to 12 education in the Denver metro region.
In addition to grantmaking, the Gates education team also worked closely with strategic partners on some exciting new initiatives in 2019:
We joined with local and national partners to launch Lyra Colorado, an independent nonprofit dedicated to supporting educator and community empowerment by creating more responsive education systems and structures. Lyra works with the three Denver Public Schools Innovation Zones to ensure their long-term sustainability and advance their mission to create systems that support and elevate educators. Lyra also supported the creation of a regional partnership in southwest Colorado to help five school districts partner and two higher education institutions to create more opportunities for students. Gates long-time partner Empower Schools is leading that work with financial support from Lyra.
We wrapped up a multi-year process with the Roaring Fork School District and regional charter schools that resulted in a District-Charter Collaboration Compact of shared, formal agreements that benefit students and families. The Gates team continues to provide implementation support to the district and schools to ensure they are meeting their shared goals of achieving equity and equal access to public education in the Roaring Fork Valley.
We worked with three rural communities – Cañon City, Durango, and Alamosa – to advance local initiatives in K-12 education. The effort was a partnership with Wend Collective to harness the creative capacity of rural communities to solve problems within their own education systems. With The Civic Canopy as an implementation partner, Gates and Wend supported local groups in each geography with targeted facilitation, analysis, and strategy development to advance big ideas for their schools, students, and communities. Gates published a case study on the effort to share learning on the initiative.
Through all of this work, the education team at Gates strives to leverage all of the Foundation’s resources – dollars, people, relationships, credibility, access, convening capability, and physical space – to make progress in advancing educational equity and access to opportunity for all children in Colorado. We are grateful for the opportunity to work and learn alongside our partners, and we celebrate their successes.
Grantee | Amount Awarded | Type | Strategy | Area Served |
Alpine Achievers Initiative | $25,000 |
Education > Rural Community-Based Programs |
America Succeeds | $670,000 |
Education > Innovation & Incubation |
Aurora Community School | $25,000 |
Education > Autonomous Public Schools |
Canon City School District | $35,000 |
Education > Rural Community-Based Programs |
Canon City School District | $100,000 |
Education > Rural Community-Based Programs |
CiviCO | $80,000 |
Capital Project Support > Education |
Clayton Early Learning | $25,000 |
Capital Project Support > Education |
Colorado Charter Facility Solutions | $100,000 |
Education > Autonomous Public Schools |
Colorado Children’s Campaign | $100,000 |
Education > Advocacy |
Colorado Children’s Campaign | $25,000 |
Education > Advocacy |
Colorado Education Organizing Funder Collaborative (CEO) | $60,000 |
Education > Advocacy |
Colorado Succeeds | $5,000 |
Education > Autonomous Public Schools |
Colorado Youth Congress | $50,000 |
Education > Advocacy |
Compass for Lifelong Discovery | $9,765 |
Education > Autonomous Public Schools |
Dove’s Nest | $20,000 |
Capital Project Support > Education |
Empower Community High School | $50,000 |
Education > Advocacy |
Empower Community High School | $35,000 |
Education > Autonomous Public Schools |
Forum280 | $20,000 |
Capital Project Support > Education |
Generation Schools | $60,000 |
Education > Advocacy |
Jefferson County School District | $30,000 |
Education > Systems Reform |
Junior Achievement-Rocky Mountain | $50,000 |
Capital Project Support > Education |
Keystone Center | $100,000 |
Education > Autonomous Public Schools |
KIPP Colorado Schools | $25,000 |
Education > Autonomous Public Schools |
Lyra Colorado | $151,231 |
Education > Innovation & Incubation |
Montessori del Mundo | $30,000 |
Education > Autonomous Public Schools |
Moonshot edVentures | $120,000 |
Education > Human Capital |
Pagosa Peak Open School | $50,000 |
Education > Autonomous Public Schools |
Rio Grande Child Development and Family Services | $35,000 |
Capital Project Support > Education |
RISE Colorado | $100,000 |
Education > Advocacy |
RootED | $500,000 |
Education > Systems Reform |
RootED | $20,750 |
Education > Innovation & Incubation |
Teach For America | $175,000 |
Education > Human Capital |
Teach For America | $40,000 |
Education > Advocacy |
Teaching Tree Early Childhood Learning Center | $25,000 |
Capital Project Support > Education |
The Colorado Education Initiative | $20,000 |
Education > Advocacy |
The Wildflower Foundation | $85,000 |
Education > Autonomous Public Schools |
Trendlines | $85,000 |
Education > Rural Community-Based Programs |
University of Colorado Foundation | $20,000 |
Education > Systems Reform |
Valley Settlement | $20,000 |
Capital Project Support > Education |
We Are FARMily Center | $25,000 |
Education > Rural Community-Based Programs |
Youth Initiative of Adams County | $20,000 |
Education > Advocacy |
Colorado’s rapidly changing rural and urban communities are both an opportunity and a challenge in ensuring stronger, more resilient communities for all. In 2019, Gates Family Foundation advanced vibrant communities through our Community Development, Informed Communities, Capital Grants and Impact Investing programs by supporting projects that built upon each other to create leverage and integrate cross-sector solutions.
In a thriving and inclusive ecosystem, entrepreneurship and community wealth-building empowers individuals, improves standards of living, and creates jobs, prosperity, and innovation in the economy. While the Denver Metro Area continued to experience unprecedented growth in 2019, small business ownership is in danger of drifting further from the hands of local entrepreneurs, especially with the economic upheaval in 2020. Very little capital flows to entrepreneurs who are women, people of color, or living in rural Colorado. Gates is working strategically to help weave together an entrepreneurial ecosystem that bridges market gaps through its partnerships with organizations that reach extremely marginalized entrepreneurs who are poised for growth.
Transportation plays a huge role in the lives of individuals, our communities, and the way communities grow. With increasing population growth and limited funding, Colorado’s aging transportation system is outdated and insufficient, and fossil fuel vehicle emissions continue to be a significant contributor to climate change. In 2019 we prioritized supporting organizations focused on engaging communities in re-envisioning transportation and mobility options, creatively solving problems, and holding government leaders accountable for setting and achieving ambitious goals.
Gates also has served an important role in catalyzing a growing network of food hubs here in Colorado. The aggregation and distribution of local food products are an essential component of scaling up local food systems, and food hubs have the potential to be financially viable businesses that demonstrate a significant commitment to place while building a strong local economy.
In 2019, the Community Development program committed $932,500 in strategic grants to 13 organizations and $465,000 in responsive capital grants to 12 organizations. New impact investments supporting vibrant communities in 2019 included a $500,000 MRI to Greater Colorado Venture Fund to support entrepreneurs in rural Colorado, a $500,000 PRI to DreamSpring to support its Small Business Impact Fund, and a $3 million MRI to Rose Affordable Housing Fund V to provide safe, energy efficient and affordable housing as a stable base for families and seniors and to connect residents with a range of health, educational, and social services.
A few additional highlights include:
ELEVATION COMMUNITY LAND TRUST: Joined with six foundations and Urban Land Conservancy to launch a new public-private partnership to acquire or develop 700 permanently affordable homes and serve 2,000 residents in five years in Front Range communities from Ft. Collins to the Denver metro area.
EAST COLFAX / SUN VALLEY REDEVELOPMENT: Helped catalyze the Federal and Colfax cloverleaf redevelopment project, which received major investment from Colorado Department of Transportation and the City and County of Denver in 2019.
COLORADO MEDIA PROJECT: Committed $1.125 million over three years to launch the Colorado Media Project with the University of Denver and national and local funders. The goal of the initiative is to strengthen public-service journalism across Colorado through collaboration, business innovation, and community engagement.
Grantee | Amount Awarded | Type | Strategy | Area Served |
Adoption Exchange (The) | $30,000 |
Capital Project Support > Well-Being of Children, Youth & Families |
Alliance for Sustainable Colorado | $30,000 |
Community Development > Access to Economic Opportunity |
Bent County Historical Society | $20,000 |
Capital Project Support > Arts & Culture |
Beulah Heritage Preservation League | $15,000 |
Capital Project Support > Arts & Culture |
Bicycle Colorado | $225,000 |
Community Development > Multi-Modal Mobility |
Boys & Girls Clubs of Larimer County | $25,000 |
Capital Project Support > Well-Being of Children, Youth & Families |
Boys and Girls Clubs of Metro Denver | $120,000 |
Capital Project Support > Well-Being of Children, Youth & Families |
Center for African American Health | $50,000 |
Capital Project Support > Well-Being of Children, Youth & Families |
Center for Community Wealth Building | $100,000 |
Community Development > Access to Economic Opportunity |
City of Pueblo | $25,000 |
Capital Project Support > Well-Being of Children, Youth & Families |
CityCraft Foundation | $30,000 |
Community Development > Food Systems & Agriculture |
Cleo Parker Robinson Dance | $50,000 |
Capital Project Support > Arts & Culture |
Clinica Tepeyac | $25,000 |
Capital Project Support > Well-Being of Children, Youth & Families |
Colorado Forum Fund | $65,000 |
Capital Project Support > Civic Projects & Leadership |
Colorado Impact Fund – Bridge Fund I | $1,500,000 |
Community Development > Access to Economic Opportunity |
Colorado Nonprofit Association | $20,000 |
Capital Project Support > Civic Projects & Leadership |
Colorado Springs Food Rescue | $50,000 |
Community Development > Food Systems & Agriculture |
Community Ministry of Southwest Denver | $40,000 |
Capital Project Support > Well-Being of Children, Youth & Families |
Concrete Couch | $20,000 |
Capital Project Support > Arts & Culture |
Denver Center for the Performing Arts | $60,000 |
Capital Project Support > Arts & Culture |
Denver South Park and Pacific Historical Society | $10,000 |
Capital Project Support > Arts & Culture |
DreamSpring | $500,000 |
Community Development > Access to Economic Opportunity |
DreamSpring | $100,000 |
Community Development > Access to Economic Opportunity |
First Baptist Church of Denver | $15,000 |
Capital Project Support > Well-Being of Children, Youth & Families |
Grand Mesa Arts & Events Center | $30,000 |
Capital Project Support > Arts & Culture |
Greater Colorado Venture Fund | $500,000 |
Community Development > Access to Economic Opportunity |
GRID Alternatives Colorado | $10,000 |
Community Development > Access to Economic Opportunity |
Groundwork Denver Inc. | $40,000 |
Community Development > Community Planning |
Guidestone Colorado | $20,000 |
Community Development > Food Systems & Agriculture |
Heartbeat Denver, Inc. | $40,000 |
Capital Project Support > Well-Being of Children, Youth & Families |
High Country News | $150,000 |
Community Development > Informed Communities > Addressing Civic News Gaps > Natural Resources |
Homeward Bound of the Grand Valley | $75,000 |
Capital Project Support > Well-Being of Children, Youth & Families |
KUTE, Inc. | $15,000 |
Community Development > Community Planning |
Montezuma County Historical Society | $15,000 |
Capital Project Support > Arts & Culture |
Montezuma Orchard Restoration Project | $45,000 |
Community Development > Food Systems & Agriculture |
Mountain Family Center | $20,000 |
Capital Project Support > Well-Being of Children, Youth & Families |
National Trust for Historic Preservation | $22,000 |
Capital Project Support > Arts & Culture |
PGIM Impact Value Partners | $3,000,000 |
Community Development > Access to Economic Opportunity |
Pulliam Community Building Foundation | $20,000 |
Capital Project Support > Arts & Culture |
Rocky Mountain Farmers Union Educational and Charitable Foundation | $97,500 |
Community Development > Food Systems & Agriculture |
Rocky Mountain Microfinance Institute | $150,000 |
Community Development > Access to Economic Opportunity |
Rose Affordable Housing Preservation Fund V | $3,000,000 |
Community Development > Access to Economic Opportunity |
Rose Andom Center | $25,000 |
Capital Project Support > Well-Being of Children, Youth & Families |
Salud Family Health Centers | $30,000 |
Capital Project Support > Well-Being of Children, Youth & Families |
San Juan County Historical Society | $40,000 |
Capital Project Support > Arts & Culture |
San Luis Valley Local Foods Coalition | $40,000 |
Community Development > Food Systems & Agriculture |
Springs Rescue Mission | $40,000 |
Capital Project Support > Well-Being of Children, Youth & Families |
Swallow Hill Music Association | $25,000 |
Capital Project Support > Arts & Culture |
The Other Side Academy | $25,000 |
Capital Project Support > Well-Being of Children, Youth & Families |
Together We Count | $40,000 |
Capital Project Support > Civic Projects & Leadership |
University of Colorado Healthcare Innovation Fund | $1,000,000 |
Capital Project Support > Civic Projects & Leadership |
Veterans Community Project | $25,000 |
Capital Project Support > Well-Being of Children, Youth & Families |
West Colfax Business Improvement District | $60,000 |
Community Development > Community Planning |
West Community Economic Development Corp. | $25,000 |
Community Development > Access to Economic Opportunity |
West Community Economic Development Corp. | $75,000 |
Community Development > Access to Economic Opportunity |
2019 marked a year of continued evolution within the Gates Family Foundation’s Natural Resources program. Most notably, we welcomed Whitney Johnson as a new program officer. Whitney’s role is shared between Community Development and Natural Resources, which will help these programs further define complementary priorities, such as rural economic development and sustainable and regenerative agriculture.
The program awarded a total of more than $1.3 million in strategic grants to 15 organizations and $255,000 in responsive grants from our capital program went to five organizations in 2019. In addition, we made several significant new natural resources impact investments, including $3 million in an industrial impact fund focused on resource efficiencies in energy, transportation, and the built environment and $1 million in a fund focused on mitigation banking and carbon sequestration.
Our Focus Landscapes initiative, a key element of our Natural Resources program, underwent a comprehensive review, revision, and re-launch in 2019. This initiative was launched in 2011 to help Colorado achieve landscape-scale conservation through the protection of private lands in specific geographies. A great deal of progress was made in North Park, southeast Colorado, and the San Luis Valley, resulting in more than 200,000 acres of farm and ranch lands conserved, along with their associated ecological values. The strategic review process was done in close partnership with the land trust organizations representing those geographies, providing lessons-learned and an exploration of emerging opportunities. The revised Focus Landscapes initiative will first focus on two geographies: southeast Colorado and the San Luis Valley. Our five-year commitment to these landscapes is also more ambitious in scope, working with the partner organizations, Palmer Land Trust and Rio Grande Headwaters Land Trust, to implement a more comprehensive conservation strategy with outcomes that emphasize organizational sustainability, collaboration, community, and innovation that extends well beyond traditional private land conservation easements.
2019 also highlighted the significance of other Natural Resources program priorities, to address challenges exacerbated by a changing climate and continued population growth – trends very likely to persist well into the future. Such variables also continue to shape how the Foundation invests in strategic priorities. Increasingly, Natural Resources investments are being made collaboratively with other foundations and public funding partners. The scale of these challenges is staggering, but the opportunities for private philanthropy to work together toward common objectives are increasingly evident.
Continuing to leverage the entrepreneurial and collaborative approach that has come to define the Natural Resources program, significant achievements made in 2019 include:
The development and successful launch of the RESTORE Colorado Fund in partnership with the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation, Great Outdoors Colorado, the Colorado Water Conservation Board, and Colorado Parks and Wildlife. The fund’s first round of awards totaled approximately $2.7 million to eleven different large-scale habitat restoration and enhancement projects across the state.
The launch of the Rocky Mountain Restoration Initiative (RMRI), led by Gates grantee the National Wild Turkey Federation and in close partnership with the United States Forest Service. The RMRI is focused on large-scale implementation of forest health and watershed restoration beginning in southwest Colorado, helping to break down jurisdictional barriers to forest health treatments and creating a 10-year collaborative watershed restoration strategy.
Continued work to advance key water sustainability objectives, including the identification of new durable sources of funding for the full implementation of Colorado’s Water Plan.
The conservation of Trinidad’s iconic Fisher’s Peak, formerly known as Crazy French Ranch, which in June 2020 become Colorado’s newest and second-largest state park with more than 19,000 acres of wilderness to explore, which is also expected to drive economic growth in southern Colorado.
Finally, the Foundation’s commitment to Colorado’s land trusts remains steadfast. 2019 was the first full year for Keep It Colorado, the hub organization co-launched by Gates and Great Outdoors Colorado to serve the state’s diverse land trust community. In the past year, Keep It Colorado has hired additional staff, implemented policy, communications, and fundraising strategies, and engaged land trust leaders statewide with learning and organizational development opportunities. While much work remains to ensure the long-term sustainability of Colorado’s land trust community, Keep It Colorado continues to serve as a shining example of conservation leadership and collaboration, even in trying times.
Supporting the conservation and stewardship of Colorado’s natural resources is an exercise in continual learning and adaptation. It is also a humbling privilege to contribute to the Foundation’s long-standing conservation legacy. Our work is only as strong as our grantees and funding partners, and that strength is growing. As we look ahead, I am confident that the relationships we continue to build at every level will result in great progress and keep us on the leading edge of conservation in Colorado.
Grantee | Amount Awarded | Type | Strategy | Area Served |
Adams State University | $40,000 |
Natural Resources > Water |
Audubon Rockies | $100,000 |
Natural Resources > Water |
Aurora Rotary Foundation, Inc. | $15,000 |
Capital Project Support > Parks & Recreation > Natural Resources |
Blackhorn Ventures – Industrial Impact Fund | $3,000,000 |
Natural Resources |
Central Colorado Conservancy | $50,000 |
Natural Resources > Landscape Conservation |
City of La Junta | $25,000 |
Capital Project Support > Parks & Recreation > Natural Resources |
Coalitions & Collaboratives, Inc. | $75,000 |
Natural Resources > Ecosystem Services |
Colorado Cattlemen’s Agricultural Land Trust | $75,000 |
Natural Resources > Land Trust Capacity Building |
Colorado Cattlemen’s Association | $120,000 |
Natural Resources > Stewardship at Scale |
Colorado Headwaters Land Trust | $40,000 |
Natural Resources > Landscape Conservation |
Colorado National Monument Association | $20,000 |
Capital Project Support > Parks & Recreation > Natural Resources |
Colorado Open Lands | $35,000 |
Natural Resources > Landscape Conservation |
Colorado State University | $75,000 |
Natural Resources > Stewardship at Scale |
Colorado Water Trust | $140,000 |
Natural Resources > Water |
Conservation Fund | $75,000 |
Natural Resources > Water |
Crested Butte Land Trust | $120,000 |
Natural Resources > Land Trust Capacity Building |
Crested Butte Land Trust | $70,000 |
Natural Resources > Landscape Conservation |
Environmental Defense Fund | $100,000 |
Natural Resources > Water |
High Country News | $150,000 |
Community Development > Informed Communities > Addressing Civic News Gaps > Natural Resources |
Hinsdale County School District | $20,000 |
Capital Project Support > Parks & Recreation > Natural Resources |
Keep it Colorado | $375,000 |
Natural Resources > Land Trust Capacity Building |
Keystone Center | $75,000 |
Natural Resources > Water |
Lake County Public Health Agency | $40,000 |
Capital Project Support > Parks & Recreation > Natural Resources |
Land Trust Alliance | $50,000 |
Natural Resources > Land Trust Capacity Building |
Lyme Timber Company LP – Opportunities Fund | $1,000,000 |
Natural Resources |
Montezuma Land Conservancy | $113,000 |
Natural Resources > Land Trust Capacity Building |
Montrose Recreation District | $25,000 |
Capital Project Support > Parks & Recreation > Natural Resources |
Mountain Area Land Trust | $16,900 |
Natural Resources > Land Trust Capacity Building |
National Fish and Wildlife Foundation | $250,000 |
Natural Resources > Stewardship at Scale |
National Wild Turkey Federation | $200,000 |
Natural Resources > Stewardship at Scale |
New Venture Fund | $150,000 |
Natural Resources > Water |
North London Mill Preservation, Inc. | $25,000 |
Capital Project Support > Parks & Recreation > Natural Resources |
Palmer Land Conservancy | $3,000,000 |
Natural Resources > Landscape Conservation |
Rio Grande Headwaters Land Trust | $2,000,000 |
Natural Resources > Landscape Conservation |
Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation | $50,000 |
Natural Resources > Landscape Conservation |
San Luis Valley Great Outdoors Coalition | $10,000 |
Capital Project Support > Parks & Recreation > Natural Resources |
Sedgwick County Organized Recreation | $40,000 |
Capital Project Support > Parks & Recreation > Natural Resources |
The Nature Conservancy | $300,000 |
Natural Resources > Landscape Conservation |
Town of Oak Creek | $60,000 |
Capital Project Support > Parks & Recreation > Natural Resources |
Trust For Public Land | $85,000 |
Capital Project Support > Parks & Recreation > Natural Resources |
Windward Fund – Water Funders Initiative | $275,000 |
Natural Resources > Water |
Wright Stuff Community Foundation | $10,000 |
Capital Project Support > Parks & Recreation > Natural Resources |