Community Development: Equitable Community Assets - Gates Family Foundation
Here is an important announcement. Click here to learn more.


Equitable and resilient Colorado communities provide economic opportunities to residents while also supporting the infrastructure needed for individuals and families to thrive – such as accessible and affordable housing, access to parks and community spaces, access to healthy food, and multi-modal transportation options.

Gates Family Foundation invests in projects and organizations that strengthen neighborhoods and communities, and create on-the-ground improvements for residents. We support projects and activities that advance smart growth, sustainable development, and green building techniques. We also look for projects with authentic, resident-led community engagement, aimed at advancing neighborhood revitalization and stabilization in distressed areas. We seek out catalytic opportunities that leverage other public and private funding opportunities and demonstrate an exceptional opportunity for impact.

Our grants and resources in this focus area may support:

  • Advocacy efforts that support policy changes in affordable housing, zoning, deed restrictions, or barriers to financing
  • Seed funding/pre-development/planning grants to community groups working to advance on-the-ground solutions
  • Innovative affordable housing solutions such as modular construction, accessory dwelling units, investments in land trust models, and community-driven housing developments
  • Community-centered climate strategies, such as efforts to improve access to multimodal transportation and safe streets

Our 2022-2026 Strategic Plan: Our Team Shares the Highlights

During a series of six webinars, our team shared the broad strokes of our 2022-2026 strategic plan: what’s new and what’s unchanged, and how — by working together — we can make a positive impact on the most important issues facing our state.

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A Fit?

Submit your idea or contact a grant officer.

Whitney Johnson

Laia C. Mitchell

Senior Program Officer – Community Development